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Today was an intensive training day, where only soccer was played.

Carli didn't feel well when she woke up. She threw up in her rooms toilets, and then didn't eat anything at breakfast. Now, she was trying to run on the field without falling apart. She didn't like to give anything up, especially a training session like this. She kept on going, telling herself that she would rest later on.

As she was running right towards the goal, she fell her legs released, and she felt her whole body hitting the floor. She fainted several seconds later, hearing her teammates scream. Hope was the first one to grab her face and see her state. She immediately called for medical care, and Becky ran right at Jill to keep her in touch. Hope's heart was racing. What if she had a heart attack ? Would she even wake up ? She started panicking, cursing herself for the last few days when she pushed her friend away because of some unsure feelings.

Her fingers ran through Carli's face with softness, and wiped her tears away ; she didn't want the others to think anything. Carli's eyes slowly opened, and Hope sighed in relief. She put her hand on the brunette's stomach, and the other on her forehead.

- God, you scared me to death, Hope whispered so that only Carli could hear her. Don't do that to me again.

Carli, who seemed to be in a lot of pain, didn't answer. Hope grab her hand and squeezed it. The brunette wanted to straightened, so Hope helped her to sit down. She then realized how close they were to each other, and blushed a little bit. Why did she have this effect on her ? Like, however Hope was strong and made of steel, seing Carli always brought down her defenses. She got up, asking Whitney for help. The blond took one of Carli's arms and they both lifted her. Hope supported her to the bench.

Jill came immediately, saying to the midfielder that her day was over. Becky brought her a banana and a sandwich she made for herself earlier on, and Morgan sat next to her. Feeling like she wasn't useful anymore, Hope went back to her goal.

- Are you two okay? Ali asked the GK.

- I've no idea, Hope said.

The defender didn't insist. The training got back on track, and all Hope could think about was Carli, who was walking away with Becky, and how it should've been her out there to protect her. Allie, Alex and Lindsey all scored against her in less than ten minutes. Jill was a little bit upset, but didn't make any comment.

They all knew that Carli was the only person Hope deeply cared about.


After training, Julie caught up Christen, to who she hasn't talked to since Saturday night. The dark-haired girl seemed shyer than she usually was, avoiding any eye contact with the defender. Julie felt a sudden shame ; she remembered when she tried to kiss Christen, but didn't remember about anything else than a guy she cheated on her boyfriend with. The problem was that Julie had the impression she cheated on Zach with Christen, because she really felt something she's never felt before towards the forward.

It took her by surprise, and it was actually confirmed all day long, as Julie was feeling dizzy whenever Christen was around her. She took a chance and said, gathering all of her courage :

- I wanted to thank you about Saturday.

Christen nodded her head but didn't respond. Julie clearly wasn't feeling very well. She felt a lot of guilt ; she said yes to Zach several months ago, and now she was questioning their entire relationship because of her... best friend and an almost kiss ?

- And for the other thing..., Julie continued.

- You mean when you tried to kiss me ? Like, twice ? Christen asked, finally looking at her best friend.

Her glare was so cold it hurt Julie.

- Yeah..., she said, nearly chocking with her saliva.

- Don't worry, I won't tell Zach, or anyone, Christen cut her off.

"Okay... She's not very happy" Julie thought to herself before standing in the brunette's way. Christen nearly bumped into her but stopped in time. Their faces were only inches away from each other, and Julie could see her self-confidence dropping a little bit. Her green eyes went back and forth Julie's eyes and mouth.

Julie felt a sudden urge to kiss her, which she prevented herself from doing.

- I wasn't talking about Zach, she whispered in a seductive voice. I was talking about you, Christen Press.

Christen's eyes widened because of her friend unbelievable assurance in the moment. Her jaw dropped a little bit, but Julie didn't give up. "Where did that creepy voice come from, Johnston ? Are you seriously flirting with her ?"

- O-Oh, Christen stammered before closing her mouth. J-Julie I...

But the blonde didn't stop there. Making sure nobody was watching them, she took a step forward and stuck her body on hers, her mouth making its way to Christen ear. The brunette seemed to decomposed from the inside, a situation that Julie found very attractive. "Attractive ? JJ, what in the world are you doing ?"

She put her hands on Christen's hips.

- You wanted to kiss me, admit it, Julie muttered.

Christen escaped from Julie's embrace and ran as quick as she could, leaving Julie in total shock with herself.

"What the hell just happened ?"

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