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Allie and Carli were sitting side by side. They didn't dare to say a single word, their attentions caught by their feet. Kelley had a minor concussion, and the doctor was nearly finished with her. Allie would be able to drive her home, that's why she waited three hours here. Concerning Hope, she was not as lucky as her teammate ; several bones were broken and she couldn't play for a full month or so. Carli knew she was gonna be angry at herself, like every time she was doing something and consider that it was her fault.

The problem was that Hope was a very intense person, and it was hard for people to understand her reactions. But Carli understood her in another way, because she was the same. They both weren't very sociable or touchy, and they needed words that were honest and true. Yes, Carli knew Hope, but today she was feeling like a hurricane was coming (and this time, it wasn't Krieger).

When Kelley was finally allowed to go, Allie got up straight and followed her outside, so that they could finally go back to the hotel. Carli, while she was waiting for that damn doctor to finally go out of the room, saw a nurse coming right at her. She got up immediately, and the old lady looked at her in shock.

- Are you a member of Ms Solo's family ? she asked.

Carli blushed.

- Well, n-not really, I-I..., she stammered, very uncomfortable.

- Then, you can't see her.

As Carli was sitting back on the chair she's used for hours, she and the nurse heard a confident voice go out of Hope's room.

- She's family.

The nurse apologized to the forward and went back to work. Carli entered the room, where the goalkeeper was sitting on her bed, one of her hand in a cast. The brunette sat next to her, still shaken up by Hope's last sentence. We're family. This sounded to good to Carli. She knew that Hope was her safe place, her home now. And she wouldn't even dare to deny it. She took the keeper's hand and squeezed it a little. Hope turned her head to face her friend, who was smiling like an idiot. It sometimes happened to Carli whenever she was feeling good but couldn't express it. The dark-haired girl pressed her forehead on Carli's.

Everything around them didn't count anymore. When they were together, the two women were feeling in a bubble.

- I love you, Carli said shyly.

- You do ? Hope let out, surprised.

Carli usually didn't express her feelings. Hope knew that Carli was in love with her, but hearing her say it out loud for the first time definitely was special. The brunette was blushing more than ever and looked at her in the eyes.

- Of course I do, you idiot, Carli whispered.

- Well, in that case, it is safe for me to say that I love you too, Hope said, smiling.

She pulled Carli closer to her and gently kissed her soft lips. Carli shied away under the kiss. Hope found it amazing how the brunette could be a real beast on the field and a cold bitch with other people, but then turn out to be an amazing model of gentle and caring person whenever she was around her.

They stopped the kiss by mutual agreement, and Hope kissed Carli's cheek. The brunette blushed again, and Hope just couldn't handle how cute Carli was when she was shy. And she had an huge satisfaction by knowing she was the one making Captain America shy.

- Ash deserves to finally have some play time, Hope said then. I mean, this injury will allow me to train with the rest of the team and, most importantly, with you.

- I like that idea, Carli murmured, playing with the girl's fingers.


Kelley sat on the car. Her head was hurting so bad that her face was contorting at times, causing concern on Allie's eyes. She was allowed to take her medication in three hours only, and not one minute before. The Georgia girl was silent all the way back to the hotel, which showed that she really was in pain.

After thirty minutes of silence, Kelley finally spoke up.

- Sorry for being a pain in your ass.

Allie quickly looked at her, before returning to the road again.

- You're not a pain, Kels. You're in pain, and it's okay.

The sound of Allie's voice was music to Kelley's ears. It was so calming to have the tall blonde by her side. She felt protected and very comfortable in her company.

- Thanks for coming with me at the hospital, she said shyly. You didn't have to, I could-

- It's only natural, Allie cut her out. You really scared the crap outta me, tho.

Kelley was finding Allie really cute at the moment. Even though she pretended to be a strong and independent women - which she was actually - she also had another side, and this side was opening up to Kelley.

- What would you say if I asked you- hum, t-to go on the beach tonight f-for dinner ? she asked, tensing up a little.

The blonde didn't dare to look at the light brunette. If she had done it, she would've seen the big smile stretching Kelley's lips right now.

- Is Allie Long asking me out on a date ? Kelley asked, smirking.

Allie's eyes went wide.

- W-what ? No no no no no it's not a date it's..., she tried to convince Kelley (and herself).

Kelley raised an eyebrow, wondering if the blonde would one day accept the feelings that were flying between the two of them. Allie looked into Kelley's cold glare, and shivered, before her cheeks turned red.

- Okay, it's a kinda date, she murmured.

- I didn't hear you well, can you repeat what you just said ? Kelley teased.

- No way.

Realizing that she hasn't answer the question yet, and that Allie was skipping a few breaths because of the stress - yes, Allie freaking out was terribly cute - Kelley smiled at her.

- I'd like to go on that kinda date with you, she finally said.

- Thank God, Allie let out, blushing even more. It would've been very awkward if not.

They burst out laughing, and it was the first time that Kelley took Allie's hand and that the blonde didn't push her away.

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