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Jerramy was standing right in front of them.

Carli haven't seen him since may 2015, when he and Hope divorced. According to what Hope has told her, he didn't like her very much. It was quite the opposite, since he was claiming that the brunette advised her friend to ask for divorce. But now that they were standing face to face, he didn't seem to be that bad.

- I come in peace, the tall man said, raising his hands. I just wanted to share my concerns with you, since you are Hope's best friend.

The midfielder frowned, and gave Allie a confident look. The blonde nodded and walked away from the pair. After a few minutes, Jerramy and her sat on a bank. He seemed tired, and the bags and circles under his eyes were here to show it. Carli wasn't feeling very confortable around the former footballer, but tried not to show it.

Jerramy began to talk :

- Hope never told you the truth about our break-up. Or why I beat her, or why she beat me back several years later. I've never been a good man, but Hope is a good person. Actually, she's never stopped loving someone for years.

Carli's jaw dropped a little bit.

- Our first fight, before our wedding, was because she told me she didn't love me after all this time. Her heart belonged to someone else. I got so mad that I couldn't control myself. The day after, we got married, and the girl of her dreams was standing next to her, as her maid of honor.

He took a little break. Carli was speechless.

- Then, our marriage was falling apart more and more every day. She was away from me, with you. I couldn't compete. I loved her too much to keep her away from her soul mate. So I decided to talk to her. But things got very bad when I told her she was gay. She got so mad at me, at you, at the entire world. She told me I was mad, and then I called you, Carli, a selfish quitter for not loving her back. That's why she beat me. I asked for the divorce three days later.

He caught his breath. Telling Carli the truth was painful for him. He went on, willing to finish his story, as the tears were appearing in his eyes. He hold them back, but the words he said had the effet of an atomic bomb.

- I couldn't stay with someone whose heart belonged to you.

Jerramy gave her a genuine look, sincerely meaning what he was saying.

- She is a way better person than she seems to be, Carli, you have to acknowledge that. She's been loving you with all her heart for seven years now. I witnessed every step of her love : when she met you, then when you got with Brian, and so on. Please, if you love her back, go tell her. She deserves happiness.

The midfielder's head was about to explode.

- You are her happiness, Carli. The love of her life.


In a rainy day like this one, Pinoe had the magical solution : charades.

After playing with the whole team for hours, she felt like the team was stronger than ever. The tensions all seemed to have faded away, except between Julie and Christen, who were sitting on the opposite sides of the room. The "Three Amigas" were on the same time, crushing their opponents with strength. Tobin was so good in guessing what Allie and Alex were trying to imitate. On the other hand, the team Kling-Moe-Horan-HAO-Sammy was having trouble in scoring any points at all. All five of them kept on laughing. It was really funny, though. The last team was made with Ali, Ashlyn, Pinoe and Kelley, since the others - like Hope and Becky, were teaming up with the Three Amigas on this one. The blonde goalkeeper was terrible at charades, but tried her best. When Ali finally guessed something, they all jumped in her arms.

Only Carli was missing, coming in the room two hours late. She seemed disconnected, and everybody assumed it was because of her breakup with Brian. Even Jill and Dawn took part in the game, and they all spent an amazing day.

Pinoe was like a baby in a lake of candy.

- C'mon guys, we're one poing away from beating them ! she exclaimed. Ash, you better not fuck up this one !

- Don't worry bro ! I'm a real professional, she said with excitement. Let's get this damn thing started.

- Yeah, we all are starving, Becky yelled from the other side of the room.

They all laughed once again. Ali and Pinoe were up to guess the last word. If they succeed this time, they were gonna win this whole thing. Kelley was staring at Allie with a competitive look on her face. whereas Tobin was sure they were going to win. Ashlyn started to act the word, and it wasn't very concluant. Finally, Ali guessed something by chance, which appeared to be right. Ashlyn jumped in her arms, quickly followed by Pinoe and Kelley. The others all cheered, except for the Three Amigas, who were ranting.

Kelley couldn't help but run through the room, both of her arms up in sign of victory. It was like she's won the World Cup all over again. She finished her run in Carli's arms. Their teammates all joined them in a big group hug.

Jill was witnessing the scene, happier than she's ever been. "No matter what, this team will get through everything together."

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