Chapter 7: Resurfacing feelings

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I just have so many ideas today you are getting so many chapters tonight ^^

The dream still haunted her. What was her relationship with Levi?

She had fallen asleep in her room after sex, still naked. She blushed even more at this fact as she scrambled to find her clothes. She looked around frantically, upset that she had slept in for so long when so much work had to be done today. The interruptions in the middle of the night resulting her sleep in. She spotted her clothes in the far corner of the room, neatly folded on top of her dresser. She hurried over to them, only to stop and take a quick look at her reflection in the mirror.

She looked a complete and utter mess.

Her eyes; usually bright were dull where large bags and dark circles had formed under, barely staying open from lack of sleep. Red and puffy. Her hair was sticking up everywhere in tufts; she still had yet to shower from having sex twice yesterday, and then her neck...and her chest.

Mmm...Levi...." She sighed heavily as she ran her fingers over the bite marks that Levi had left on her skin. Hopefully the collar of her shirt was just high enough to cover everything up just fine. She reached for her clothes, conscious of the fact training was in ten minutes yet she was still naked and had not yet eaten.

Throwing on her clothes quickly; well as quickly as she could given the fact she was still aching, rushed to the door and shut it making her way down the corridor.

"Ow, ow, ow...!" she hunched over a bit as she walked, feeling more dull pain near her pelvic area. The tiredness not helping one iota.

He had really done a number on her, and it was going to be a very long day.

Petra rushed out the door, still struggling with her harness straps. It was a very muggy morning; the warm weather had mixed with all of the rain that had fallen the night before, and was now causing some pretty irritating humidity. She was a complete and total mess; disheveled and tired and achy all over. She let out a small groan as the same dull pain targeted her insides once again, but she quickly pushed the aggravating feeling aside. She only had herself to blame anyway. Of course it would have been more practical to get some rest in order to be fit and raring to go on training.
But instead, she decided to fool around with her commanding officer. She felt her cheeks get hot just thinking about him; for she couldn't get it out of her head. Sure, she should have just rested and resisted Levi and everything about him...but oh, that man. That man definitely had his ways, and she was learning that more and more.

She laughed to herself as she untied her horse and prepared him for the day. There was going to be a lot of cleaning later on; the castle, the horses, the stable...everything. It had rained so much the night before that she wondered how the squad was actually working with all of this wet ground. She fed her horse an apple with one hand and petted it with the other. Of course she sat there thinking for too long, and her mind began to wander once again to  'activities' with her captain. She couldn't help but feel her face heat up again on this humid morning. Her body was exhausted and achy, and she still hadn't found all of her bearings. He had really let her have it, and she had enjoyed it immensely, but now what? She had given into him so easily...her captain...a man who was way beyond her years in experience in so many ways. What would happen if anyone found out about this? What would the rest of the squad say? Or...even more so...what would her father think of her if he ever found out about any of this? She felt an uncomfortable warmth cross her face once again and quickly discarded the thought as she mounted her horse.

"Ha!" she nudged the horse and took off onto the forested path and towards the fields. She couldn't think about this now...wouldn't think about this now. Despite the dull pain in her insides that constantly reminded her, it was time to focus on work now -and concentrate on staying awake- she thought straining her eyes.

It's complicated: Levi x Petra LemonWhere stories live. Discover now