Chapter 20: Its beginning to look a lot like christmas

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"I can't reach the tree" she sighed trying to perch on her tiptoes and wobbled precariously on the stool.

Inching closer, Petra dangled the bauble onto a smaller branch and hung it on the tree before wiping her brow. Christmas had reached the survey corps so it was up to her to decorate the tree as always. So far it was going well.

She was proud of her work, standing back and observing with a burst of pride. Levi would love it. She thought to herself.

Stepping down from the ladder, she felt a wave of sickness wash over her as she covered her mouth groaning inwardly. This sickness hadn't subsided for a few weeks and was frequent every morning as it clenched her insides into a knot. It had to be left over side effects from the hospital. After all, it was only two months ago.

Then there was the backache and sharp cramps that forced her to sit down and take deep breaths. Her period must be due she concluded.

An hour later, all the lights were strung up neatly, lighting up the room. Petra surveyed her work proudly before the wave hit her again. This sickness wasn't going away and it was taking all her will power to not throw up over the Christmas tree. Silently, she sat down clutching her stomach and tried to ignore the bile rising to her throat and churning coming from her stomach.

Not great and what was worse was this was supposed to be the happiest month of the year except her sickness was diminishing the festive feeling.

Hanji jogged into the room with her ponytail bouncing and stopped when she saw Petra hunched over.

"Tree looks amazing- heyy what's up? Why you sat there stand up" Hanji grabbed her hands and pulled her up off the floor taking a look at Petra who looked positively green.

"Uh Nothing" she covered her mouth again taking sharp breaths.

"Petra?" Hanji widened her stare folding her arms dubiously and sat down next to her.

"It's just my period that'll be due no doubt" Petra muttered as though trying to convince herself "or a bug" she rambled 

"Uhh petra?" Hanji interjected taking a strong hold of her arm.

Petra made eyes with Hanji shakily "Yeah?"

"Uh..when was the last time you had a period?"

Petra's eyes widened as she mentally tried to calculate. "Ummm it was during the holidays and a bit after In hospital umm" she glanced down at her nails nervously clicking her tongue.

Hanji gulped "so you're telling me you haven't had a period for three months..or more" she shook her head

Petra clutched her stomach and looked down self consciously now understanding what Hanji was insinuating. "It could just be late" she mumbled peeling the skin off her left thumb and avoided eye contact for the fear of what she could may give away.

"Petra a period is never three months late. Look at the evidence: none of your clothes fit you. You're getting fatter. You're feeling sick. What else does it mean?"

Petra turned a shade of red "I am not getting fat!"

"Thats why you're in levis clothes and your stomach and thighs now jiggle when you walk" Hanji explained looking her up and down. Sulking in the corner, petra scowled nibbling at her thumb nail.

"Sorry Petra"

She bowed her head crossing her arms over her stomach. "Do I really jiggle?"

"Yes I'm afraid you do"

"Well I've been eating more you know it's Christmas!" She pulled Levi's sweater down to cover her legs angrily.

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