Chapter 4 - Changes

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When I woke it was dark, though I could see everything so clearly. My throat burned and my gums were killing me! I stood slowly, so as not to fall over or collapse. I needed something, though I couldn't work out what it was I craved.

"Hello, Avia" The voice of the girl murmured in the darkness. With my new eyesight, I could see that the girl was paler than she should be, almost a porcelain white. I needed to focus, what had just happened to me? Why?

"Who are you and what did you do to me?" I pleaded to the girl, fear easily noticeable in my voice.

"My names Alexia, your dead, and so is your little friend over there." She simply stated. I was confused, what did she mean I was dead, I was looking right at her.

"What do you mean I'm dead?" I was getting more panicked by the second. I looked to my left just as Emmy sat up gasping, looking around her to try and make sense of had just happened.

"Well I mean, I fed you my blood, both of you, and then I killed you, but in order for you to say 'alive' if you will, you have to feed!" Alexia said emphasising the word 'feed', and I could clearly hear her quotations around the word 'alive'.

Just then it clicked in my brain, how long had we been in here, why hadn't the others come looking for us? "Where are our friends why haven't they come looking for us?" Emmy's high pitched voice shouted out, it reminded me that she was still here.

"We'll your friends did come to look for you, I made sure they saw your bodies, they screamed and ran to your parents I think, but we will be long gone before they get here!" Alexia said with a laugh in her tone, it seemed she found it funny that she had just killed two innocent people.

"I...I'm..." I couldn't get my words out, that feeling was back, I needed something and I would do anything I could to get it. I stared Alexia right in the eyes and growled. She had done this to me, to us, me and Emmy.

"What you are is thirsty and what you want and need, is blood!" Alexia breathed, almost whispering, though I could still hear her perfectly.

"Then give it to me!" I yelled! Another growl escaping through my lips.

"No Avia you don't want to become a monster do you, I read about this in some old folk law history books, we're vampires and we have to kill to survive." The voice of Emmy squeaked reminding me yet again that I wasn't Lanie with the vampire. "You can if you want to, but I don't want to be a monster, I'm not going to be one of them, I hope you and Alexia have fun,... Goodbye." As she said the last word she put her hand to her chest and screamed as she ripped out her own heart.

"No, why, Emmy please!" I begged as I held what was left of her in my arms, my best friend was dead, I was a vampire, and I had to survive.

"Come now Avia, you need to feed" As Alexia spoke the word feed all my thoughts focused on the smell outside, BLOOD, and I wanted it so much!

"Alexia I want it, NOW!!" I yelled.

"Please call me Lexie, and I will bring you someone to drink, stay right here and I will let you feed and tell you all you need to know about being a vampire."

I did as I was told and waited. Five minutes later, I heard two pairs of footsteps headed back up the stairs, one was light, I knew it was Lexie, the other heavy footed and sounded, by the breathing, male.

"This here is my new friend Max," Lexie informed me, coming into view she looked into his eyes and murmured "and this here is my friend Avia, now go and let her feed on you, don't scream, just stay calm it will only hurt a little!" she finished menacingly.

The boy walked over to me slowly, I could see red dripping from his neck, then I smelt it! After that I didn't hesitate as I sank my teeth into his jugular, sucking his blood, the warm liquid flowing down my throat was the most amazing feeling in the world! He squirmed a little at first then relaxed.

Too soon he is pulled away from me, I let out a growl, which was soon cut off due to a pain in my gums taking over. I raised my hand to my mouth as fangs pierced there way through my gums, I let out a scream. I then moved to my face, that I could see reflected off the wardrobe's mirror. Tiny veins pulsating under my now red eyes, I wanted it to go away, it made me look hideous!

"What's happening?" I asked Lexie "Make it stop, I look hideous!" I almost started to cry, I could feel the wet moisture, slightly clouding my new perfect vision.

"Calm down it's okay, here look at me." Lexie soothed, I did as she said and looked at her, her face started to do what mine was doing, "Take in deep breaths, come on, in, out." I copied her actions and watched as her eyes went back to normal, then so did my own.

"Every time you feel the blood taking over you have to fight it, push it all back, and be better than who the blood makes you."

We moved to a new location, it was cloudy and raining now so I didn't get hurt by the sun.

Lexie comforted me, and for the next few hours, she told me all about being a vampire, and about her anklet that allowed her to walk in the sun. She then told me that she knew a witch, who would make me a daylight ring of my own.


A/N Its been sooo long since I updated, because every time I tried I couldn't think of what to write. I realise that I have kind of changed the tense slightly but what you gonna do??

Right now I'm ill and I was bored so I figured to give writing this chapter another go. And hey presto here's the chapter. Hope you like it, comment, Vote and all that and I'll talk to you soon BYE!x!x!x!x!

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