Chapter 12 - Testing Limits

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***** Avia's POV *****

It's lunch, as I walk into the lunch room I see Lexie sat with Elena and Stefan, "You coming?" she asked too low for the humans to hear. I look down and shrug my shoulders in response.

As I raise my head, my eyes meet Joe's. He motions with his head for me to join him, so I slowly, even for a human, walk over to his table surrounded by his friends. "I guess not." I hear Lexie answer her own question with a laugh. I smile at that and continue to make my way over to Joe's table.

"Hey Avia, how's it going?" Joe asks and his breath and scent hit me like a ton of bricks as reach his table. Breath Avia, breath! I repeat over an over in my head.

"Errm, good, thanks, you?" I ask, another lame reply, and I mentally facepalm. Joe pulls out a seat and gestures for me to sit. I smile and sit as he sits in the seat beside me.

"Same here," he replies, "so err, this is Matt, Tyler, Louis and Jeramy." He introduces me to his friends that are sat around the table, of course I already know them all, except Louis. We acknowledge each other and then they continue on with their conversations.

The bell sounds, signalling the end of lunch. We both rise and make our way to biology. At lunch, we talked about our favourite things to do, as we were aware that his friends, and Elena's little brother were within hearing range. I learned that he loves to skateboard and read, what are the odds?

We arrive in biology just as the teacher walks in with a DVD in his hand, he places it on the computer and turns on the projector. As soon as sir switches the lights off, I feel a type of electricity in the space between me and Joe, and I try as hard as I can not to give into it and touch him. Besides my cold skin, it would probably freak him out if I touched out of nowhere.

////////////After School///////////

I'm walking into the parking lot, I realise that I'm going with Joe on a date! I hear someone running up behind me, and from the smell, I can tell its Joe. "Hey Avia, wait up, my cars this way." He announces as he grabs my hand. He imminently let's go, "Errm, sorry!" he apologises running his hand through his hair.

"It's fine, my hand are always cold, it can shock people sometimes," I say in a teasing tone, I force a smile as I look down at my feet.

"It's cool, so you don't mind then? Me holding your hand?" he asks timidly. How can someone that looks like him be so unsure about this?

Instead of replying I reach out and twist my fingers with his, he flinches at first and then relaxes and a smile breaks out on his face. We walk to his car and he opens the passenger door for me, which makes me smile like an idiot.

As we drive to the cinema, in the small space of his car, his scent is much more potent as he uses his car every day. I push the monster back inside of me and breath through it.

We talk some more, things like Birthdays -his is the 19th of March-and family, siblings and such. Then he asked me about previous boyfriends and was shocked when I said I had none. But to move the embarrassment from me I asked him about previous girlfriends. To my surprise, he starts to blush and says that he's only ever really had one actual girlfriend, that lasted more than a couple weeks.

We continue to question each other as we pull up outside the cinema. "So what do you wanna see?" Joe asks whilst running his hand through his hair, stirring his scent.

"Errm, I don't mind, action, romance, comedy, I'm up for anything," I reply, I haven't really been out much since Lexie turned me, so I don't really know what been out, what's new.

"Okay how about 21 Jump Street, I hear it's supposed to be good?" (A/n: I know it's been out for ages, but it's the first I could think of) He asks as we get closer to the front of the line.

"Sure." I reply I don't really care about what we watch, I'm probably just going to be watching him most of the time. As we arrive at the front of the line, Joe asked the lady there, "2 for 21 Jump Street please, the nearest showing."

When she hears his voice she looks up, and the look in her eyes makes me jealous, I could see the lust he had for him, I could almost feel it rolling off of her. He's here with you Avia, remember! I try to push the jealousy aside and focus on Joe's scent, which helps calm me.

"That will $19.95 please." the women speaks. As I go to grab my purse from my bag I see that Joe has already given the woman a $20 dollar bill.

"Hey I was gonna pay for myself," I complain closing my bag as Joe grabs the tickets and we walk towards the escalators to go to the correct screen.

"Well too bad." He replies with a teasing smile. I smile back, I can't seem to help myself.

"Well, I'm paying for food then," I state giving him a menacing look, one that tells him not to argue, as we reach the 2nd floor. He doesn't argue and now I feel quite bad, I hope I didn't scare him! But I'm reassured when he tangles his fingers with mine. I look up at him and smile as we enter the screen.

//////After the movie & the Grill//////

Food was great, and I paid, with no argument form Joe. He's driving me to the boarding house, we talk some more about me, where I'm originally from. He looked intrigued when I told him that I'm originally from England, I'd asked him how he hadn't noticed from my accent. He claimed he did think about I, but didn't want to assume.

Joe slows as he drives down the long driveway at the boarding house. He gets out of the car and goes round to open my door for me. "Thanks!" I say smiling, he walks me to the door. "Well, err, I guess I'll see you tomorrow." It sounded more like a question though. I look down at my feet once more.

"Yeah." he replies. A shock goes through me as I feel his warm finger under my chin, forcing me to look at him. He stares into my eyes, and I'm lost in his. His face moves slowly but surely towards mine, his scent is stronger than ever and I breathe through it the best I can.

Our noses are touching as he hesitates. But he soon closes the distance and his lips touch mine. His lips are warm against my cold ones, it starts off slow, then becomes more intense, but to my surprise, I'm the one that deepens it. My hands reach up to tangle in the hair at the nape of his neck and his hands wrap around my waist. It felt like hours, but it was only minutes.

After I realise what I'm doing and that the monster is on the edge of breaking through, and that we both are running out of breath, I slowly pull away from him. Joe looks at me his eyes wide, I smile, "Night." I say breaking the brief silence, as his heart beats furiously in his chest. I turn and open the door and then close it behind me as Joe makes his way back to his car.

"Someone's been busy!" Lexie accuses and her voice scares me as I'm so focused on slowing my breathing. All I can manage is a small giggle. Something tells me she's going to want details, as well as Elena who I can hear in the kitchen giggling.

As I get my breathing a under control, I'm able to speak again, "I'm going to hunt, I'll be back in a couple of hours." I tell her and then run out the back door and into the forest surrounding the house. I need to find somewhere quiet to think. I mean I just kissed Joe, and even though the monster was close to coming through, I managed to hold her back.

As I'm running, my phone interrupts my thoughts, it's a text form, Joe, 'hey, it's Joe, I just wanted to tell you that I had a great time tonight, and well I was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend?' As I finish reading I scream with joy and quickly reply with 'I had a great time too and yes' his reply is a grinning emoji and kisses.

I smile to myself, even though I'm freaking out inside, and put my phone in my pocket to continue hunting. Today has been one of the best days of my life, both of them.


A/N: Another chapter, yayayayay, hahaha, took me a while to write, I kept getting interrupted, but it's a longer chapter soo that makes up for it. Well I hope you enjoyed, vote, comment and all that and I'll talk to you next time, BYE!!xxxx

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