Chapter 7 - Sunlight And Shopping!

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*****Avia's POV*****

Lexie decided to take me to an amusement park as my first bit of sunlight activity. Don't get me wrong I loved it, but surrounded by all those humans! Their warm bodies closely packed, their skin touching mine as they brush past! The sound of their hearts beating the blood through their bodies!

I've tried to be good, feeding of only animals, as Lexie said she taught a friend to do. But it's so hard when all around you there's BLOOD!

"Lexie, can we go some other place I don't feel so good?" I asked Lexie as we exited another ride.

"No, this is your first day in the sun," She replied, "You know, after becoming a vampire." Lexie whispered the last part so low that only other vampires would be able to hear.

"But all these people!" I told her the stress leaking into my voice. "I can't take it any longer, or I'm gonna snap, and I really, really don't want to hurt anybody!" I begged her.

"Fine!" She gave in, and we started running back home. "let's go to..."

"The mall? I haven't been in ages, and I'm in serious need of new clothes." I suggested cutting off whatever Lexie was about to say. By this time we were back at the house.

"Yeah the mall sounds great, but there are going to be just as many people." she retorted. She was right, unfortunately.

"But their hearts won't be beating so much, because they won't be scared or nervous, from the rides and stuff." I stated matter of factly.

"Okay, fine you win, mall it is." She replied in defeat. "I'll go bring the car around, we're gonna need it to get all the stuff back. You go get my purse from my room and meet me in the car." She ordered I laughed at her when she pushed me in the direction of the stairs.

I grabbed Lexie's bag, and we were now on our way to the mall, I was in serious need of a new closet, and Lexie never missed an opportunity to shop.

We arrived at the mall, and Lexie's dragged me straight into one of her favourite stores, Forever 21! I loved this store too! We piled loads of clothes into four baskets all overflowing. We went to the dressing rooms and tried on all the clothes, taking selfies, as you do.

We brought the lot and then went into many different stores and did the same thing, shoes, clothes, Lexie even compelled the dude in wine store, (A/n: I don't know what you would call this) she said it helps take the edge of things, being around all the blood.

It was now 10 pm and the mall was closing we'd been here since 12, we had tons of bags, from everywhere! I was defiantly chucking away all the clothes I'd manage to bring with me, because of all this.

When we arrived home it was just past 12 am, we put all our stuff in our rooms. I was exhausted! "Hey, Avia, I'm going to get some 'food', I'll be back in an hour, and don't worry I won't hurt anyone," Lexie told me as she was walking out the door.

"Okay, have fun, if I'm not here when you get back, I'll be in the woods." I replied from the couch in the living room.

"Oh and one more thing, when I get back I have something to tell you!" and with that Lexie left, before I could even ask her what it was she wanted to say. That girl! But I love her, she's my best friend now, and the only person I have.

About ten minutes after Lexie left I decided to go hunting. I changed into some converse, went out the back door, and into the woods behind the house. I didn't realise how hungry I was until I drank the first deer. That's how I spent the next hour and a half of my morning.

When I was full enough I headed back to the house. I opened the front door and saw Lexie behind it, with suitcases and boxes surrounding her. "What's going on Lex?" I asked, worry slipping into my voice.

Lexie's reply was, "Well..."


Hehehehe left you with a cliff hanger!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, vote, comment and all that good stuff and I'll talk to you next time BYExxx!!! 

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