Chapter 5 - New Beginings

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***** Lexie's POV*****

~~~ A sort of flashback/ recap~~~

It's been three days since I turned Avia, we started to become really close. She told me everything about her human life, and I told her how I was created, and about my life so far as a vampire.

We're in Arizona now, we'd made the trip from England in two days. This was where the witch I know lives, time to get Avia her daylight ring.

~~~~~End of flashback thing~~~~~

I'd just woke up and could hear someone rummaging around in the kitchen. I sniffed the air using my vampire sense of smell to figure out the culprit.

It was just Avia. "Avia, what are you looking for in there?" I spoke with a volume as if she was standing right in front of me, not downstairs, but I knew she could hear me.

"Something to....'eat,'" she replied, I easily heard her quotations around the word 'eat'. "I'm starving!"

Whilst Avia continued looking around for 'food', I hopped into the shower to get ready for the day.

Once I was done I walked lazily to my closet, sooo much to choose from, I thought to myself. In the end, I decided to go with some black skinny jeans, a blood red top, with a leather jacket over it. Oh and my amazing black heels! I looked in the mirror quickly, I look good! I thought to myself, vain I know.

As I descended down the stairs, I could hear Avia walking towards them. "What's up, A' " I asked in my sweetest voice.

"I was wondering when you're getting me my daylight ring, it's no fun just sitting in the house all day!" She moaned, giving me the puppy dog face.

"Well you're in luck," I told her giving her a quick hug as we went to sit on the sofa. "I just got a message saying a certain, supernatural being is on her way." I finished with a smile on my face.

"OMG! I'm getting my daylight ring today!?!?" she was grinning like a Cheshire Cat. She started to jump and dance around the room, I guess you could say she was excited.

"Whoa whoa," I tried to pull her back on to the sofa so I could make sure she was paying attention to what I was going to say. "You have To remember the rules of the ring -"

"I know I know," Avia cut me off. "The witch who spells the ring also has the power to de-spell it. But as long as I stick to the animal only diet, I should be good!" I could still hear all the excitement as she tried her best to retain it. "So what time's she getting here?" She asked impatiently now.

"She should be here in five, she doesn't live far, but this is going to be...difficult for see Carrie smells...better than other humans, you need to be in control!" I warned her with a serious look on my face.

Her face dropped, all the excitement is gone, well almost all, and a serious and focused one replaced it. "I can do this! she mumbled half to herself.

"Well let's hope cause she's just getting out of her car." Avia instantly stiffened -listening for Carrie's movements- as I told her this, obviously holding her breath, so as not to lose focus when she catches my witch friends scent.

Three quick knocks on the door, a click as the handle turned, and Avia's head snapped up to stare at the doorway that Carrie was now standing in.


A/N Cliff hanger heheh. Sorry this is really short I couldn't think of more to write. Anyway I hope you liked it!

Vote, Comment and all that jazz and I'll talk to you soon BYE xxx !!!!

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