Chapter 10 - School New, People and Boys

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*****Avia's POV*****

As we're heading to school with Stephan and Elena, I took the time to look at the town as we pass by. It's nice, not too many people, which is good for not attracting attention to ourselves. It's also got this strange feel to it, like some really strong and supernatural has happened here, I like it!! Nothing too exciting has happened in my time with Lexie, it's gonna be hard with all these people around but Lexie will help me through it and no doubt Stephan and Elena too.

We arrive at school and there are kids everywhere!! I feel my teeth expanding and the veins beneath my eyes appearing. I take some deep breaths and they slowly start to fade.

I get out of the car to see that the others were already out, just waiting for me. "Sorry, just taking it all in, you know new people and all that." I smile as Stefan locks the car.

Lex and Stephan smile at me, "It's okay A', take your time we're in no rush." Lexie replies placing a comforting and restraining had on my back. We start to head towards the main office as me and Lexie both need to sign up for school and get our schedules.

"Here it is," Elena says gesturing towards a room with a woman sitting behind a desk. "I hope to see you in some of my classes!" With that, she turns to walk to her first class.

Stephan stops her by reaching for her hand "Hang on a second, we have first period together, just let me wish them luck, though I'm sure they do just fine." Stephan tells Elena as she smiles and turns back around and nods her head. "Have fun Lex, you too Avia, though not too much fun! If Lex has anything to do with it, I'm positive we'll see you in most of our classes!" He finished with a chuckle and a wink, saying goodbye to me and Lexie while walking hand in hand with Elena down the corridor.

I turn to Lexie, the fear of what we were about to do had to be clear on my face. We're going to compel her, just as Lexie had told me Stephan did when he started here. "Calm down, it'll be fine I'll do all the 'talking' okay?" She tells me looking straight into my eyes to make sure she has my full attention.

We walk forward towards the receptionist, as we get closer the woman behind the desk looked up. I kept my head down, limiting my breathing, focusing on each breath I took. "Hey there my sister and I are here to enrol and collect our schedules, I called last week to set it up. The names are Lexie and Avia Thomas?" She made the last part a question, I look up at her trying to hide the shock I was feeling. I didn't know she's been planning this for a week. Come to think of it I wasn't surprised I didn't know, I was too preoccupied on staying well fed so as not to snap.

The woman nods her head as she types away at her computer. "Ah, yes, I'm just going to need you to fill out a form with the necessary details of medical information and things." She looks up and places the forms on the desk with a pen. Lexie takes them and starts to fill them out, she was missing out parts due to the face that we had nothing to put there. She finishes and hands the papers back to the woman. She looks them over shaking her head looking towards Lexie, "There's information missing on both forms I-"

"Please look again I'm sure you'll find everything you need is there, and we would like our classes to be with Mr Salvatore and Miss Gilbert" Lexie began to compel the woman, again, making her belief that all the details are there and that she made sure our classes will be with Elena and Stephan.

"So it is." She replies with a strange smile, I guess from the compulsion. "Here are your schedules and I hope you have a nice time here at MysticFalls High!" I watch as she slides the papers towards us. Lexie grabs them both and we make our way out of the office.

Lexie looks down at the papers in her hand, "First, History with Mr Saltzman, then English with Mr Fenn." She continues to read the paper as we head for our first class. Something about the History teaches name sounded familiar.

As we reach the door Lexie goes in first telling the teacher who we are, I instantly scan the room for the two familiar faces and find them near the back. I sigh with relief as they smile towards us. Mr Saltzman introduces us to the class and sends us to the empty seats at the back of the room. As I sit I realise why the teacher's name is familiar, Stephan and Elena mentioned him last night..."Mr Saltzman works at the school, he's a teacher there as well as being the towns vampire hunter and I guess my stepdad..." Elena's voice from the night before fills my head, but I quickly snap out of it in case Mr Saltzman or Rick as Elena had had called him, asks me a question.

It's the end of the day and we're heading towards Elena's car - most of the day I had gotten stares from almost every guy as was Lexie though she didn't mind as much. I don't know why, but I could tell by the looks on there faces that the thoughts they were having couldn't have been PG. I guess after a few days they will stop staring- I was daydreaming about this guy Joe, who had been partnered with me in Science class.

I'm in my own world until I'm pulled back into Lexie, Stephan and Elena's convocation at the mention of the word blood. My head instantly snaps towards Lexie, it seems she's complaining that she was hungry. I hadn't thought about that all day until now, I'd hunted this morning for breakfast hoping I could last the day. "Yeah, so how has it been Avia?" Lexie asks smiling towards me, as at lunch I had been lost in thought thinking about Joe, he'd smelt soo good, and he seems like a lovely guy.

"Good." Is the reply I give her. I hear her sigh as we get into the back seat. Her and Elena had been staring at me the entire time in Science class as I talking with Joe.

"Come on Avia, me and Lexie both saw you in admiring that guy in class, tell us all the details or I'll call Bonnie over and make her get it out of you!" Elena playfully threatens. She told me last night about one of her best friends, Bonnie Bennett, a witch. I look nervously out of the window avoiding the stares and the question. "Spit it out!" Elena spoke again.

"Nothing we were just talking and he asked me if I wanted to hang out sometime." I tell them as I just can't seem to help myself. They both turn to look at me with shock in their eyes as well as the proudness radiating off of them.

"What did you tell him?" Lexie asks the smile playing around on her lips starting to get bigger, more like a gin.

Poor Stefan has to listen to all of this while driving. It's kind of embarrassing talking about it with him there, even though I have no feeling for him except as a friend like Lexie does. I think it's best if I just tell them and get it out the way! "I told him I had to make sure I didn't have any plans first and that I would think about it. I mean it's not that bad being around a lot of humans in a big space, but being alone with one who knows what could happen!?" I sigh and turn to look out the window again.

"It's okay A'," Lexie's soothing words calm some of my nerves, "We'll make sure that you'll be okay around him, I mean you can handle being around Elena, if you really like this guy then I'm sure you won't harm him!" She finished her little speech and pulls me into a hug.

"Thanks, Lexie, you really are the best! You to Elena." I pull back from Lexie's hug and I feel much better. We pull up to the boarding house, I forgot how big the place was from the outside. "I think I need to hunt, all these emotions got me worked up, I'll be back later!" I tell the three of them making my way to the forest that surrounds the house.

Today went good, I don't think it will be bad tomorrow. I'm excited to talk to Joe again, he smells amazing, but I really want to get to know him, without putting him in harm's way.


So another chapter, yay!!!! I haven't written in a while with Christmas and the new year but I hope that anyone who reads this had a good holiday.

Vote, comment and all that. Tell what you think of the story so far! I hope you enjoyed and I'll talk to you next time BYE!!!! Xxx

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