Chapter 9 - New Friends

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*****Lexie's POV*****

After talking to Stefan and Elena all night/morning - Stefan made Damon leave about 11:00 because he was starting to flirt with Avia, and I wasn't having that.

It's about 6:30 am, time to get up for school. Since Avia and I are going to be staying here we have to fit in and be seen by the humans of this town.

"Lex it's time to get dressed." Avia said standing in my doorway already dressed.

"I'm coming, I'm coming." I replied lazily. I haven't been to high school in like a few decades, time to get back into teenager mode. I got up off my bed hopped on the shower and dressed for the day.

The doorbell rang and I heard Stefan answer it. "Hi." It was Elena's voice, she spoke with such affection, it made you want to just go 'awwwww' all the time.

"Hey," Stefan replied with the same amount of love, if not more, noticeable in his voice. "How are you? Ready for school? I've just got to wait for Lex and Avia."

At the sound of my name I started for the stairs and met Avia coming out of her room, and we descended the stairs together.

"Yeah I'm good and schools, school you know?" Avia and I walked into the room nearest the front door then, and of course, Stefan would have heard us coming down the stairs. But as we came into view Elena turned her head towards us, "Oh, hey guys!" she said with a smile on her face.

"Hey, Elena!" Was Avia's reply, they seemed to be getting along and becoming great friends. I'm happy for Avia, because of what I did she'd lost her best friend and had to leave her family behind. I kind of regret it, but I hated being so alone.

"Morning Lex," Stefan said to me, I gave him a smile and headed to the kitchen for some breakfast. "Ready for school you two?" he asked.

"Not the way I would choose to spend my days, but it keeps the townsfolk of our backs." I replied honestly.

"Yeah, this will be fun! New people, new surroundings! Plus American high school!" Was Avia's answer, you could literally feel the excitement she was feeling as it radiated off of her.

I was exiting the kitchen with my breakfast when Stefan said "Well we better get going then!" as he took Elena's hand and headed for the door. "Are you two gonna be riding with us or are you taking Lexie's car?" he asked Avia.

Avia turned to me as Stefan shut the front door. "Up to you Lexie." She started to walk towards Elena's car anyway.

"We'll ride with you if you don't mind." I responded also heading for Elena's car.

"Oh, it's no problem at all." Elena replied and Avia and I hopped in the back.

Outside I could hear and see Stefan kiss Elena and then he told her, "I'll drive!" She smiled and they both got in and we started off for school. 'Fun!'


A/n: Hey, been a while since I wrote a chapter sooo... Here you go. I wrote this at school before it started, I had nothing to do so I thought why not. Anyway I hope you like it, Comment, vote and all that and I'll talk to you next time, BYExx!!xx

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