Chapter 14 - We're Twins?!?

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*****Avia's POV*****

As Lexie left, probably to go hunting, I turn towards Elena, who is seated next to me on the couch. Well, this couldn't be any more awkward! I think to myself. But I'm soon snapped out of my thoughts by Elena's first question. "Sooo.... I don't really know how to start," she lets out a small giggle. "How about you tell me about your adoptive parents?" She asks sweetly giving me a warm and genuine smile.

I fidget a little in my seat considering they now think I'm dead and their actual daughter is dead. "Well..." I reply not sure what to say next. Come on Avia she could literally be your sister, your twin even, and if not well she's your friend and deserves to know something about you. I tell myself. " Here goes nothing," I start, with a little giggle escaping my lips. "After I had been in the orphanage Isobel dumped me in, I was there till I was 15. I met this girl at school when I was about 10, her name was Emmi, we got on so well and I finally felt like someone in this world cared for me. Then on my 14th birthday, it was the time of year that people are invited to the orphanage and decide if they would adopt any of us kids. That's when I noticed Emmi. I was confused as to why she was there but..." I stop talking and look up towards Elena's face, she's just sitting there face serious and not interrupting me at all, it's as if she really is interested.

She nods her head telling me to continue. "She was there with her parents, she told, she after why they were there. It because, after her mother had her, she was told she wouldn't be able to have more kids as she almost died giving birth to Emmi." Elena's gasp made me look up.

"I'm sorry, go on." Elena apologised, putting a hand over her mouth to cover her shocked expression.

I'm starting to have second thoughts about telling her all this. I might end up just bawling my eyes out. Then what will she think of me? She'll think I'm weak and just a big baby, I mean both her parents are dead, and I'm here almost falling apart because I was taken away from mine. I must seem so selfish. But I'm going to continue, she deserves to know.

"Anyway, they had this meeting with me asking a bunch of questions to kind of, like get to know each other and stuff. Well then for next year they fostered me, to make sure they were positive about having another person in the family and such. So to surprise me on my 15th they brought home the adoption papers and certificate. I was so happy I finally had someone to call mom and dad, people to call parents. I'd cried a lot that day, they kept asking me if I was okay with it." I let a little laugh out.

"I reassured them about a hundred times, they were tears of joy, happiness and gratefulness. They treated me as there own. And my best friend became my sister." I finish and heave a big sigh of relief, finally able to get it off my chest.

I look back up to Elena's face as she hasn't said anything yet. She's staring at her hands as if she's nervous about something. "Go ahead, ask away," I say convincing her to tell me what's on her mind.

She raises her ahead and looks me in the eyes. "You say was, what happened... To Emmi?" She finishes her question and then looks back to the floor.

I feel my chest tighten at her question, this was the one thing I was hoping she wouldn't ask me. But I have to tell her right? I mean I just told her everything else, no point hiding anything now! "Well...errrm, you know Lexie right?" She nods and I avert my eyes to the floor before continuing. "It happened on the day I was turned..."

######After telling Elena about Emmi######

"Soo yea, now you know everything," I say with tears falling down my face, sniffling. I look up to see that Elena has tears coming down her cheeks as well. Well, this is great I've just made my possible sister cry! "Hey, why are you crying for?" I ask reaching out to grab her hand and comfort her.

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