Chapter 16 - Time For A Plan

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A/N: Sorry it's been soooooo long since I last updated this, I don't know why I haven't. But I woke up feeling inspired today so I thought, lest write!! Soo I hope you enjoy this!

*****Elena's POV*****

~At The Grill~

As me Avia and Lexie walk through the doors to the Grill, I notice Jeramy with the others sitting in a booth near the the back. It's secluded, which will help stop people from eavesdropping! As Jeramy lifts his head from talking to Tyler and Matt, he catches my eye and gives me a sad smile and motions with his head for us to come sit.

As the three of us sit down at the table Caroline's the first to speak. "Hey what's going on that's got you so worried?" She finishes with a kind smile. I grimace at her question as the last time something like this happened she got turned into a vampire, and it was all my fault!

"Well..." I start but pause to take a deep breath to try and compose my self. "Something's coming, I-I don't know what or, or who but, it's complicated." At this everyone around the table - apart from the two that already heard this - so as to make sure to catch every detail. " Me and Avia, we've been... Well we've been having these vibes, and bad ones at that. Sometimes they're stronger to wear we can almost tell what the things is but others it's kinda just like a nagging. Like the kind you get when you feel it's gonna rain and you've forgotten an umbrella. But more recently it's been big vibes, non-stop. And although we don't know what's coming," at this I glacé at Avia to see her gripping the table, probably from fear. I place my hade over hers and continue. "it's something's dangerous and it's coming soon. And we need to be ready for it!" I finish with a sigh of relief, as I've finally got all that off my chest.

Tyler's the first to comment on the new news, "So what, is Katherine back? Or is this worse than that? I mean -" The whole group stiffens at the mention of her name, especially Caroline.

Jeramy cuts Tyler off "No Katherine has nothing on anyone anymore, we so much better than her now, and plus what more could she possibly do or want?" He ends his question my giving Caroline a small smile, she returns it then looks at her entwined hands on the table.

"N-" I'm about to reply when Avia cuts me off. " No I think it's gonna be much worse, I mean I know I wasn't here for the whole Katherine thing, but we thought about that already, I asked Elena to describe any vibes she got during that incident as she's saying these are way worse. I think it's someone a lot more powerful than us. Avia finishes with giving the hand that atop hers a squeeze, a thank you gesture. At that, I smile.

"I have an idea?" Bonnie questions, I look up towards her with a hopeful smile and a gesture for her to continue. "I might be able to find a spell, one that. Can maybe project your 'vibes' into like a vision, that way we'll be able to know what's coming. I mean there may not be a spell for it, but we could look and if not we could create one! I mean someone had to create them in the first place, right, so why not create one to cater to our needs?" The hopeful smile on her face lifts my spirits and by the rise in everyone else's mood, it's lifted theirs too.

A small silence surrounds the table until Caroline brakes it. "So the plan then?" She questions but raises a figure so no one interrupts as she continues. "We try and find/Create a spell to get projected vibes, if this works then we prepare, make sure our families are safe! If the spell doesn't work, we need to be on guard 24/7. And don't trust anyone we don't know in town." She looks at each of us in the eyes to make sure we understand and we nod in response. "Good!" She comments happily.

As soon as the words leave her mouth her, Avia and Lexie's heads snap to the door of the Grill. They breathe a sigh of relief when they see it's just Stefan and Damon, and turn back to the table as they make their way to sit down. Well, Damon heads to the bar to get a drink and then joins us.

I turn to Stefan, he sits beside me and I kiss him softly on the lips. I smile as we pull away, feeling less stressed than before he got here. "So," Stefan begins, "Sorry we took so long the sherif was busy when we got there. So d'you guys come up with anything." He asks hopeful. I smile and nod my head as Caroline explains the plan again to Damon and Stefan.

"... And that's it." Caroline finishes. But the look on Damon's face is anything but satisfied.

"So what if witchie can't find a spell, or whatever you want us to just sit around like, ducks, waiting for an attack? Are you insane!? We should be out there looking, not just sitting back and taking it as it comes! We have to face it head on!" Damon's little rant is not taken well by anybody, which is not really to surprising as his ideas are usually un thought out and rash.

After Damon's little outburst, Stefan jumps in to try and wean him off of the idea, "And how do you expected to face thins thing head on if you don't even known what to look for?" He questions, irritation with his brother evident in his tone.

At this Damon smirks, " Well, brother, we can use your little girlfriend," at this I flinch into Stefan's side, and he wraps his arm around me. "And he little twin and like, homing devices, ten closer we get to the threat, the stronger their vibes will be and we'll know if we're going in the right direction." His smile and the end sickens me.

"Are you insane?!" Me and Avia blurt out in unison, we look at each other and smile, but I continue with anger at Damon. "We're not some pawns that you can use however you like, you know!" Damon irritates me so much!

Stefan's agrees with me as his arm around me tightens slightly and I cuddle into him more. "That's a stupid idea! They could, get hurt, well not so much Avia," He turns and gives her a knowing grin and then turns his attention back to his brother. "But non the lest we're not going to put then I. The direct line of fire when we don't know who, or what, the fire is coming from!" Stefan's voice becomes stern and Damon leans back in his chair raising his arm in surrender, though the smirk is still clear as day on his face.

"So it's settled then?" Lexie speaks up, " We find a spell, and prepare!" She finishes with a determined smile.

We all murmur noises of agreement. "We'll go with Bonnie." Me and Avia say in sync again and laugh at each other for that.

"That's gonna get creepy," Jeramy chuckles. We all depart from the grill to prepare for the oncoming threat.


A/n: Finally a chapter! It's been so long in know. But it's like, two weeks until TVD is back and so I was inspired to write so YAY!! Sorry for any mistakes I can't really self edit too well. And I know Matt didn't really talk or participate but he is only human and this stuff don't really effect him that much :) But I hope you enjoyed! So comment, vote and share this story to your friends

I'll see y'all on the flip side, toodles! XOXOXOXOXO

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