Chapter 15 - Bad Vibes. The Good Always Ends

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*****Avia's POV*****

It's been a month since Elena and I found out about being sisters. We've been having a great time, she made it her mission, as soon and we told Lexie, to tell Bonnie and Caroline too. It went great they were really happy for Elena to have another member her of her biological family alive.

We did everything together and spent most of every day together, except for the times Elena would be with Stefan, which wasn't actually that much. He kept telling her that she should spend time getting to know me. I just kept quiet for that not wanting to impose or come between them or anything.

We did all the cliché 'sisterly' things, shopping, and a hell of a lot of it at that! We went to the movies, gossiped, did homework together and just talk, a lot. I mead we did miss out on 18 years, well excluding the ones when we were little and don't remember. But we've been having so much fun!

Elena didn't want to tell anyone at school yet, just in case they had enemies near by, they could use me as leverage, Stefan had said.

But things have been great, everyone was getting along, well apart from Damon being Damon that is, but what are you going to do?

Do you ever get that feeling that all the good, is too good and something's going to crash down and take it all away? I've been having this feeling for a couple of days now. It's just no ones really bothered us. Damon and Caroline have said that the town hasn't wines tend any vampire related crime. But something's off, can tell.

I get up from my bed that I'm lying on and make my way down stairs to where I can hear Stefan, Elena and Lexie, I fee like I need to voice my concerns before I go mad! As I enter the parlour room all three heads turn to wards me.

"Hey, A' " Elena chirps up turning to embrace me in a hug, which I return gratefully.

"Hey, guys, what you doing?" I ask trying to seem casual as I slowly plan to tell them about the nagging in my brain.

"Nothing much really, Lexie and Stefan are just reminiscing, well more like Lexie making fun of Stefan while they both drink away the embarrassment," Elena replies with a laugh, Lexie and Stefan joining in. "what about you, what's up?"

Oh no here it is, I have to do it now, I think to my self, better now than never! "I do t how to say it but I've had this feeling lately, that all this 'good' is gonna come to and end, like in the worst way possible. It's been nagging at me for a couple of days now." I finish looking at their reactions, and bracing my self for what I might see.

From the look on Stefan's face, he doesn't look surprised, more like he was expecting me to say something like this but hoping I wouldn't. "This isn't good." He mutters lowly to himself.

"Why not?" I question, "Why's this not good, at least we'll be prepared if anything does happen right?"

"Elena told me yesterday almost exactly what you told me, that something's coming, something's going to happen. I was thinking that maybe it was nothing, you know, everyone gets that feeling sometimes and nothing really happens. But both of you having the same vibe," he shakes his head, a frown on his face, "This can't be nothing, it can't just be a coincident E-"

"We were talking with Bonnie earlier, about us," She waves her hand between the two of us. "Seeing as we're supernatural and twins, maybe we have like some kind of telepathy thing. Well, she was saying that in her grimewars it talks about our mids being linked slightly. And so the fact that you've been having the same thoughts and vibes as I have, kinda proves it. And in this town, the bad is really bad!"

I nod at what she says trying to comprehend and summarise it. "So we should be worried?" I ask making sure I understood, breathing slowly and deeply, trying not to panic.

"Yes, and no." Lexie joins the conversation speaking up. "Now, thanks to you and your twin here we won't be totally caught off gaud, we just need to tell the others." Lexie gives me a smile, trying to comfort me and I try my best to smile back.

"Lexie's right, I need to talk with Damon and the sherif, you three get Bonnie, Caroline, Mat, Tyler and Jeramy, and we'll meet at the grill in 20?" Stefan questions though it's more of a friendly demand. We all nod, Elena and Stefan kiss goodby as we head of to gather the team.


A/n: This is just a little idea I had hopefully when I post the next chapter it will be longer and more orchestrated than this one, sorry about that I just figured it's been a while.

Sooo I hope you enjoys, sorry if there's any mistakes, vote comment and what not and I'll talk to you guys in the next chapter!!!


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