Chapter: 4

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© Stephanie Stewart | 2013


Sorry about my rants! I just needed to know that people were reading!

I want to thank all the ones who commented and voted! Very much apreticated! Love you all!

Quick question: What should i call yall? Other people have names for their readers, what would you wnat to be called?

Anyway, on to the story! :)


Chapter: 4

Allison Petterson

The babies are three months old. I cannot believe how time has flown. They are getting longer. Last month they started to cooing and grunting at us. When we lay them in their playpens, they roll on their bellies and start to raise their little heads some. It is so crazy watching them grow. My babies..

They are now starting to learn their motor abilities and they are watching our faces. They defiantly know us from strangers. If they see a stranger, they know.  They eat at least 5-8 times a day. They also, sleep at least 20 hours. Babies normally sleep more than we do, but later on, they will grow out of that.

Nathan and I talked last night, and we could not believe how much they have grown. I lay on his chest and cried. It is weird for me. They were in my belly for almost nine months and now they are 3 months old.  I could tell that he wanted to cry to. Each day, I see them growing and developing more and more. I just hope I raise them right.

“Hey baby?” Nathan’s voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

“Yeah?” I turned around to face him.

“What has you thinking?” He placed his hands on my face as he crouched in front of me.

I looked over to the babies. They were on the floor, grunting and looking at each other. “Oh, I see.” Nathan laughed.

I looked back up at him with tears in my eyes. “How are they growing so fast? I just had them!”

“Shh.” He stroked my cheek. “It’s okay baby!”

I just sighed and placed my hands on his elbows. “Thanks for helping me when I need you the most.” I said to him.

He just smiled and kissed my cheek. “Come on love, we got to go to your brothers.”

I just nodded and straightened out my dress. Alex and Samantha are announcing their engagement to the family and yes, they are just now telling the rest of the family.  I went and grabbed the kids diaper bags. I set them down and grabbed their carriers. I bent down and picked up Holland. She just cooed and smiled up at me. I smiled back and placed her in her seat. I kissed her nose and said, “Hey sweetheart! How’s mommies little Princess?”

She reached her little hands out at me and I placed my finger in her hand. She likes to do that. I just smiled at kissed her forehead. “I’ll be right back. Mommy has to put your mean ole brother in his carrier to.”

I swear Andrew is going to be a little shit head like his father was growing up. I am not saying that mean either. He is his father’s son! I picked him up and placed him gently into his carrier. He grunted at me. He hates being put in this thing. I just laughed and kiss his cheek. “Pumpkin, I know you hate this seat, but you have to be in it.”

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