Chapter: 10

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© Stephanie Stewart || 2013 || All Right Reserved


About to speed it up some!!!! :)

I hope that that is okay with you all!

Did you miss me? Well, I'm back!

So sorry that It's been awhile! Life if hectic for me!

Yay! :)


Chapter: 10

Allison Petterson

(6 months later)

Well today is September 12, 2014 and that means that it is the twin’s 1st birthday. I just cannot believe that my babies are one. I remember carrying them all those months and now they are a year old! It is crazy how the time flies!

Nathan and I were okay after the whole Justin thing. He was mad, but he got over it. There really was anything that he could get mad over. Nothing happened, and we have not spoken since that day in the supermarket.

We also celebrated our first official year of being married. We got to go onto a honeymoon while our families watched the twins as we went off. We hated leaving them, but we needed that time together. Making it a year of marriage was big for us. We have been through so much together these years that we have been together.

Nothing has been easy for Nathan and me, ever. We have gone through hell and back to stay together.  He is my one, and I am his. We plan to keep fighting if things try to split us up again. I love him so much and I honestly could not picture myself with anyone else.

So much has changed in 6 months. Here is what has happened:

My brother and Lexi are still hanging in there. Lex is actually pregnant. I cannot wait to be an aunt. Her and my brother has worked to make this work. Samantha still is not happy. My brother feels so bad for cheating. He really loved her too, but she was not Lexi. I do not know what him and Lexi have that is so special, but I hope that they do not stray from it again. Their relationship is a lot like Nathan and mine. We have both been through plenty of hell together.

My sister Kasey is with a nice guy now. I am very happy for her. His name is Landon. Really nice guy. I like him.  She actually moved away to Georgia with him recently. I do miss her, but we often Skype of facetime. 

My mom and my real dad are getting married next month and I cannot wait to be her maid of honor. I am so happy for them. She deserved this! My real dad is a very nice guy! I have been spending more time with him lately trying to build a relationship with him. We have actually gotten really close.

The dad that I knew as my dad all those years, I have no idea where he is. I have not heard from him since that day at Alex’s wedding, which did not happen. Alex still talks to him, because he is Alex’s biological dad.

Cassie and her boyfriend are doing well. The kids love him. He is a very nice guy! We spend a lot of time around them. The kids love being around Andrew and Holland, especially Phil. Phil is now 5, Kristi is 17, and Brice is 11. It is crazy how these kids grow! I just cannot believe it.

That is pretty much all that has changed in 6 months.

“Honey?” I heard Nathan call behind me, pulling me out of my thoughts.

“Hmm.” I hummed out, turning to face him.

He just chuckled and said, “Baby, are you crying?”

“Not yet.” I said as I looked sadly at him.

Today has made me realize that so much can change in 6 months.

He placed his hands on my shoulders and squatted in front of me. “Honey, it’s alright. I feel the same! They were just born and now they are a year old. It’s crazy!”

I just sighed and looked away. I remember when my babies started walking. Drew started before Holly did. She was so mad and determined. She did not start until a week or two after her brother. He would tease her as she tried, which caused a huge tantrum from her.

“Hey Nathan, do you remember when they started walking?” I said quietly as I turned back to him.

I saw the smile form onto his lips. “Yeah of course I remember. I remember Holland’s face when Drew got up and started walking. He did not fall, he just walked. She looked sad as we cheered him on. I could see the determination in her eyes. She wanted that reaction from us. I saw your eyebrows crinkle up as you prayed that she would do it too.”

I just smiled. “Yeah honey I prayed so hard that she would get up and walk too that day, but she didn’t. I felt bad for her, but I continued to pray. Then weeks later, she got up and started walking. She might have fallen a few times, but she scrunched up her little face and got up and did it again.”

He smiled at the memory. “Mwommy!” I heard my little girl call out. Nathan and I looked at each other and shook our heads. I got up and made my way into the living room to find her pouting. As she got older, she was beginning to look more and more like me.

“What is it pumpkin?” I said as I crouched beside her. She had Nathan’s dark hair, but hers was curly.

She pointed at her brother and pouted. I just laughed and turned to Drew. “What did you do to your sister?”

He put on his innocent face and shrugged. I just rolled my eyes. “Whatever you did to her, don’t do it again or you will get a spanking.”

He just pouted and continued to play with his toys. Nathan made his way into the room and picked up Drew. “Let’s go get dressed for your birthday party!”

Drew was defiantly a daddy’s boy at times. All boys want to spend time with their daddies. I picked up Holland and told her, “Let’s go do the same.”

She just smiled and giggled. I went into the bedroom and set her down. I went to her closet and grabbed out some clothes.  I knew not to dress her up in something expensive because there is no use. Kids do not like to stay out of messes very much. They love to find them though!

After she was dressed up in her cute dress, I held her in my arms. I looked at her and smiled. “Mommy’s little girl is 1. Wow.” I said in disbelief.

“Where does time go?” I mumbled as we made our way out of the room.

I saw Nathan had already gotten Drew dressed up. I smiled at my little boy.

“Are you two ready for your birthday party?” I asked.

They both had smiles on their faces so I took that as a yes. In 30 more minutes everyone would arrive to celebrate the twin’s 1st birthday. Wow, where has the time gone??


It is probably short.

I'm sorry!

Time has been so crazy for me! I haven't had time to write. I've got a boyfriend now which I spend practically every waken moment with! Lol. But, I'm going to try and write more again.

I just haven't had any time to. I hope you liked.

Anyway, Show me some love and support for FINALLY updating!

<3 You all!



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