Chapter: 6

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© | Stephanie Stewart | 2013


Sorry that I haven't posted, but I am going to have to receive more votes and comments before I EVER Update again!

ALSO... WARNING: A little steamy at the begining.



Chapter: 6

Allison Petterson

I am so tired and wore out from spending the whole night, well you know. I moved my head slightly, feeling the warmth from his naked chest. I cracked open my eyes to see Nathan staring at me as he ran his hands down my unclothed back.

“Good morning.” I yawned as I stared intently into his gray eyes.

He just smiled. “Good morning to you too.”

I sat up and flicked my hair over my shoulders as I went into the straddling his hips position. He just groaned. “Sooooo, last night was amazing!” I said in a sultry tone.

He cleared his throat. “Allison, you are killing me. We have to get up and go get our children.”

I just sighed. “I know Nath. One more time?” I wiggled my eyebrows at him.  

He just sighed and took me by surprise by flipping us over. My back hit the bed with force. I narrowed my eyes at him and smirked. I love my power over him sometimes when it comes to sex. We ended up going for another round.

He rolled off of me, panting. We both were out of breath. “Damn.” He huffed out.

I just giggled and turned towards him, making sure that the sheet was secured around my chest. He smiled and touched my cheek gently. “We better get up.” He sounded like it pained him to say that.

I laid my head back onto the pillow. “Yeah. I will get up in a moment.” I said as I watched him slip out of the bed, naked I may add.

I laid there thinking. We needed a night like that. It has been a while. I shot straight up, clutching the sheet to my chest. “SHIT!” I mumbled.

I scrambled to get up. We did not use a condom, oh shit! This is not good. I grabbed my clothes and went to the other bathroom. I took a quick shower. I tried to not let the thought of us not using protection out of my head.  I dried my hair into large waves. I applied a small amount of makeup. I slipped on a pair of sweats and a hoodie.

 If you are wondering what the date is, it is December. My 19th birthday is in a few days. I cannot believe that I am going to be 19. This will also be the twin’s first Christmas.  Time is flying by.

I emerged from the bathroom to find Nathan cooking. I smiled sadly at him. “What is wrong?” I groaned because he knows me so damn well..

I gnawed at my bottom lip and played with the hem of my hoodie. “We ummm..” I could not look at him.

“Allison, speak to me.” He said in a gruff voice.

“You didn’t wear a condom Nathan…” I whispered.

His eyes got wide. “Shit.” He cursed under his breath.  “I am sorry baby.”

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