Chapter: 8

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© Stephanie Stewart || 2013 || All Rights Reserved


Hey guys!

I'm updating. Thanks to the ones who talked me down from my little I'm going to delete this story breakdown!

Here we go! Some things are about to get good!



Chapter: 8

Allison Petterson

The twins are 6 months old now. In 6 more they will be a year old. I am so not ready for that! My babies are growing up on me. Nathan and I just cannot believe it.  They are developing so fast. Drew is developing a little faster than his sister is, and she hates it. I can tell the determination in her little eyes.

They are starting on solid food, slowly. They do have a few teeth and I do not want to cause them to choke since they cannot chew properly right now. They are also beginning to do more rolling. Holland does not have it down just yet, but she is almost there. She is determined and she gets that from her daddy.

Drew is a lot like me, which is so scary since he is a spitting image of me. Holland is her daddy through and through.  It is crazy how you create this little being of life. It just blows my mind. My children and husband are my life.  

Nathan and I are doing well. We have had our problems and we were close to splitting up not too long ago. We walked away for a few days and thought about things. We ended up flying back into each other’s arms, not wanting to let the other go.  We love each other too much to split up. He is my life and I am his.

I was shaken from my thoughts when I heard Drew cry, and yes, I know their cries.  I sighed and got up. Nathan is at work, so I have mommy duty all day. I went towards the playpen and smiled. He looked up at me with my blue eyes. I reached for him. “Hey buddy. What’s my little prince crying about??” I cooed at my beautiful son.

He just grunted and said, “Da-da?” His face twisted in sadness. I frowned.

“Your daddy is at work. Do you want me to take you and your sister to see him?” I made a sweet face at my pumpkin.

I heard Holland grunt so I turned to her. “I guess you two want to see daddy?”

I could just see them smile.  I just shook my head. “Okay, let mommy gather your stuff.”

I placed him back in the pen and went to gather up their diaper bags. Once their bags were done, I grabbed their car seats.  I picked them each up and placed them in their car seats. We grabbed their items plus mine, and left. The drive to the police station was quiet. The babies were so content. I believe that they knew where we were going.

Once I pulled into the police station, I parked the car up front. I got out and went to the seat behind me first, which held Drew. I got him out and went to the other side. I got out Holland and grabbed their bags. I sighed and fiddled my way into the door. Finally, one of the boys helped. “Is Nathan in?” I asked.

“Oh yes. He’s in his office.” He pointed towards the back. “Oh goodness is this the babies?” He said in a high pitched voice. I just laughed and nodded.

He looked at the babies and began gushing over them.  After he finally let me go, I made my way to my husband’s office.  His door was cracked so I pushed it open. His eyes snapped up towards the door. A confused look on his face was suddenly changed into a smile.

“Hey baby!” He said in a singsong voice.

I placed the twins down and I could hear them making noises. They heard daddy. I just smiled. “The twins wanted to see their daddy.” I said in a chipper tone.

He just smiled even bigger. He bent down and touched each of them. “Did you miss daddy?” He said in his baby voice.

I just smiled. I love seeing him with the kids. He is such a natural. I just sat down and watched as he interacted with our children.  I do not know how long he stayed in the floor interacting with them. I just could not keep the smile off my face.

He turned to look at me. “I missed you.”

I just smiled and got down in the floor with him. “I missed you more.”

“I doubt that.” He said with his cocky smirk on his face.

I just rolled my eyes. I love this man. “Hey can you go pick up something for me?” He asked in a polite tone.

He bit his lips and looked away. “Well, I didn’t have any more you know. We used the last of them the other night. I don’t want to not have any because I know birth control isn’t always effective.”

My cheeks tinted red. “Oh gosh, umm. Yeah. I’ll pick up some.” I mumbled.

“You know what kind right?” He asked as he peaked over at me.

I just sighed and gnawed at my lips.. “Yes I know.”  I said shyly.

I got up from the floor and dusted off my jeans. “I guess I’m going to run to the store.” I admitted.

“Thank you baby.” He got up and picked up the twins. He set each of them back into their car seats and kissed them.

Once the twins were buckled in, he came over to me and placed his hand on my face. “I love you.”

“I love you more.” I said as I placed my hand on arm.

He smiled before placing his lips to mine. The kiss was sweet and simple. Still every time we kiss, I feel those sparks.

“I will walk you guys out.” He said as he bent down and picked up the twins. I grabbed their stuff and we made our way out of the office.

He helped me strap them in. Once they were in, I rested against the car. He made his way over to me. He placed his hands on my hips and pulled me to him.  I let him place his lips to mine. The kiss was a little more heated than before. I pulled away, breathing was faster. “I will see you tonight.”

He placed his forehead to mine and said, “I can’t wait!” I just rolled my eyes and pushed him away.

He just smirked as I got into the car. I drove to the grocery store. I had to get some things anyway. I placed the twins into a buggy and made my way around the store.  I was humming as I looked at some baby food. I heard someone say my name. I turned around and my eyes went wide.

“Justin?” I said clearly shocked right now.




I am so so so so so sorry that it's late, but It's here.

Sorry also that it's short!

Next time I will make it up to you all!

I've been busy!

Things are crazy!

I'll see you all soon!

Don't forget to overload me with comments and votes! Much love!



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