Chapter: 1

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©2013 by Stephanie Stewart. [All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of myself, Stephanie Stewart.


Book 3 Has began! :)

Happy reading my lovelies!

Also, I wanted to warn you know. This one will have some maturer scenes than the last one, but not like Rated R like! That's not me! Anyway, letting you know!


Chapter: 1

Allison Petterson

It has been a few weeks since we have gotten home. The babies are doing well. It has been a rough week though! They have been loads fussier. Nathan and I have been swapping turns on who gets up and who gets to sleep. I am not complaining though. It has been tiring, but we love our babies. They just bring a smile to my face every time I see them.

Nathan has to work today and I am not happy about it. I am going to miss him! I have to be alone with the babies. I am already stressing with school! It is so hard to do both. I love my babies and I will never regret that.

I roll over to see Nathan just now waking up. I crawl over towards him with a sneaky look on my face. I straddle him and begin to kiss his neck. I do miss the whole being close thing but due to my pregnancy, they advise you to wait for sex.  “What are you doing?” He groans, which I can feel the vibration of his voice through my lips.

“I want you.” I moaned, still kissing down his neck and stomach.

He just moaned too. “Allison, we can’t.”

I stop kissing him and sit up straight. “Why not?” I pouted.

I want the first time we can be together to be special.” He said passionately.

I just groaned and got off him. I went left out of the room and went to check on my little loves. Holland was still out, while her Andrew was wide-awake. He was just staring at his mobile.  I leaned over and looked at him. “Hey cutie.” I said as I reached for his hand. He just cooed and grinned at me.

I reached in and picked him up. “What is mommy’s big boy doing?” I gushed at him.

I decided to check his diaper and boy, did he need a changing. He smelt rotten. I changed his diaper and put him into a Winnie the Pooh onesies. I decided to bring him into the living room and put him in their playpen. I went back into the room to get Holland. I changed her diaper, but she protested. She did not want mommy to wake her up. I placed her in a pink onesies that said mommies little angel.  I placed her into the playpen  and went to warm up a bottle for them.

After the bottles heated, I grabbed out Drew. I grabbed him first because he was first up. He guzzled down my breast milk without a problem. I just laughed as I watched his little face. Once he was done, I had to burp him and let me tell you he was gassy too. I chuckled and laid him back into the playpen.

I grabbed up my little girl and gave her a bottle too. She was trying to grip and the bottle, but she was not strong enough to hold it yet. I smiled at my precious little babies. Nathan and I did a good job making them.  I burped her and she was not gassy like her brother. They both lay in their playpens without a problem. I went back into the bedroom to get ready. I had to go shopping. I let my long hair up into a bun, while I did my makeup. Nathan was beside me getting ready also. “I don’t want to go to work.” He whined.

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