Chapter: 14

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© Stephanie Stewart | 2015 | All Rights Reserved


Make sure that you read the last chapter. Also, please read the authors note that was before this chapter.

There won't be too many many more chapters. I already have an ending thought up!! Cannot wait!

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Chapter: 14

Allison Petterson

I just watched as his grey eyes burned holes into my soul. I sighed. "Fine."

He chucked. "I knew that you couldn't resit me for very long."

I hit his arm and pushed him away. I muttered under my breath, "Asshole!"

He chuckled and pulled me to him..

I just inhaled his sent. "I love you!" I said quietly

"I love you too beautiful!" His voice was full of love.

I smiled into his shirt and pulled away. "Do you want to make breakfast with me?"

He smiled and said, "Sure."

We made our way into the kitchen giggling like a pair of teenagers in love. We made bacon, eggs, pancakes, and had a variation of different fruits. We both ate and talked. We haven't had the chance to do anything like this in a very long time. We defiantly needed it. This was time that I needed with my husband. After kids, things change in a relationship.

I honestly can't imagine my life thought without my babies. I love my little babies. They are my life. They are a combination of Nathan and I.

After we got done eating, we heard the kids rustling around in their cribs. We looked a each other and smiled. We went into the kid's room and I went to Hollands crib, while Nathan went to Drew's crib.

Holland was just a talking. I just giggled at her and kissed her cheek. "What is my pretty girl doing?" I smiled as she just grinned at me.

Our children are so precious. They have Nathan's eyes, but she looks similar to her dad, while Drew kind of favors me. They really kind of are a blend of both of us.

"Let's go into the living room, so you two can get food." I told Holland as I rubbed my nose against hers. She giggled.

I bounced her up and down as we went into the kitchen. I placed her into her highchair and went to fix her some food. I also grabbed her and her brother a bottle. Nathan set Drew in his highchair beside Holland.

Nathan helped me feed the babies. Once they were fed, we changed their diapers and put them into a new outfit.

"Well, do you guys want to go to see your grandparents today." I said happily at both of the twins.

They both said "Wes!" which means yes.

"That okay with you baby?" I said to Nathan.

"Umm hmm. Which family first?" He chuckled.

He watched the babies as I went to get ready. Once I got ready, we went to my family first. Everyone was deftinalty happy to see the babies. My dad and mom love these two so much. My brother even came over with Lexi. They were happy to see them. Uncle Alex has got those two spoiled.

Next we went to his moms. She was defiantly excited to see the grand babies. Cassie came over with her three children and we defiantly took plenty of photos of the cousins.

We defiantly had a very eventful day. The children were very wore out. They had a very crazy day. They played their little hearts out with their cousins.

When my head was finally able to hit my pillow I drifted off into a deep sleep. I love my life.

To be continued....



Next chapter may be a time jump!



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