Chapter 8

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Sal put on his only dress shirt and traded his jeans for black slacks. Normally, he'd throw on the first clothes he could find, but today was special. He could not believe Russell agreed to go out with him. Although he probably saw this as two guys hanging out, not as two guys developing a life-long relationship. He fantasized about his date-that-was-not-a-date while he brushed out his wavy hair. It still looked frizzy. So he found Brenda's hairspray in the medicine cabinet and used it with much success. Yes, today he would win Russell over through formal dress and hair products.

A tall man with short, blond hair stood next to the kitchen sink when Sal arrived downstairs. "'Morning Tyler," Sal said, opening a cupboard and grabbing a PopTart from its box.

"You're dressed well for a change." Tyler took a sip from the coffee mug in his hand. "Any reason why?"

"Just thought I'd look nice today."

"It's a girl, isn't it?" Tyler grinned. "Good luck with her." Downing the rest of his coffee and clasping Sal's shoulder, Tyler grabbed his jacket and left for work. Sal blushed, studying the clean, linoleum floor. Of course Tyler would jump to such conclusions. Never mind the fact that, maybe, he was dressing up for himself. Or a certain, long-haired beauty. He bit back a smile, his heart fluttering.

"You look handsome," Brenda said from the kitchen table. "You should dress up more often."

"Thanks." Sal fiddled with a button on his shirt, hoping his nervousness wasn't showing. "Russell and I are gonna hang out tonight. I don't know when I'll be home, but don't worry about me."

"Okay, be safe," Brenda said, as he rushed out the door and off to school.

"Wow, fancy," Russell said as Sal walked by his desk. "Special occasion? We're supposed to be hanging out tonight, in case you've forgotten-"

"I haven't forgotten." Sal checked to make sure Brad hadn't come in yet, his heart racing at Russell's compliment. He hoped he hadn't been too obvious with his choice of wardrobe. "And I'm only wearing these clothes cuz all my other clothes were dirty. Don't get any ideas in your head."

"What about your hair?"

"What about it?" Sal snapped. "I woke up with it like this."

"Damn Sal, lookin' good for your boyfriend," Brad said, ambling by.

Sal hid his reddening face by digging through his backpack for his notebook and pen. I'm never dressing up again.

Halfway through class, his stomach growled. "Dammit," he muttered to himself. "I forgot to make lunch."

After school, the two met at the front entrance, Sal feeling particularly giddy. And hungry.

"Do you wanna get food?" he asked.

"I'm not hungry." Russell nibbled his thumbnail, gaze focused on the ground.

"I kind of sort of haven't eaten anything today," Sal said. "I forgot my lunch."

"You could've bought a school lunch."

"Yes, I could've. Except for the part where the line was so long that they ran out of food before getting to me. No, right as they got to me. I would've gotten the last pizza slice if Brad hadn't cut."

"I'm sorry."

"Yeah, well, I'm starving now. Can we stop at the food court when we get there?"

* * * * *

The mall's food court was like most food courts. The smell of Asian food, Mexican food, and fast food all blended together to create the ultimate food aroma. Sal purchased a burger and fries while Russell ordered a drink. They both sat down at a table, where Sal tore into his food.

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