Chapter 23

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For the first time in a long while, Sal walked home from school. Though he did more stomping than walking. The fight he had with Russell kept playing in his mind. He loved Russell. Loved him. And Russell consistently dismissed his feelings like they were nothing more than attraction. As if that's all their relationship was based off of.

But no. Apparently they were too young to be in love. Sal unlocked the front door, and nearly slammed it behind him. It was then when he remembered he had an appointment with his social worker. Who stood right at the staircase in front of him, having a conversation with Brenda.

Michelle and Brenda both looked at him with concerned faces.

"What?" Sal asked, failing to hide the anger in his voice.

"Do you remember what we talked about last time?" Michelle asked.

She was most likely referring to his "anger problem," and how to keep it under control. But Sal did not have an anger problem. And if she were in his position, she'd feel the same rage.

"Close your eyes, and count to ten," Michelle said. "Deep breaths."

Sal rolled his eyes but complied, to shut her up. Once finished, he opened his eyes. "Can we make it quick?" he asked, but calmly. "I have a lot of homework."

She followed him up to his room, and closed the door behind them. Sal slouched on his bed, while Michelle rolled his computer chair towards him, and sat in it. "How was your day?" she asked.

Sal grunted.

"Are Brenda and Tyler still treating you well?"


"How has school been?"

Sal clenched his teeth. "It's school. How do you think?"

Michelle squinted her eyes at him, studying him closely. "You haven't gotten into anymore fights, have you?"

"Not physical." Sal looked down, tugging at the hem of his shirt.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

Sal grunted again.

Michelle surveyed his room. Thankfully he had gotten the motivation to clean the night before, though his desk still had an empty water bottle and snack wrappers. Sal's shoulders slumped. These meetings were pointless and a waste of time. Yes, Tyler and Brenda were not causing him any distress. Yes, he was well-fed. No, he did not have anything to discuss with her.

"You've come a long way since we first met, years ago," Michelle said. "Brenda and Tyler love you. You've finally been doing well in school, and you have friends now."

And a boyfriend, though Sal kept that part a secret. But who knew how much longer they'd last, seeing as Russell was convinced they'd break up. His throat swelled up. Oh no. He refused to cry in front of Michelle.


"Can teenagers be in love?" Sal blurted out.

Michelle's mouth fell open at the unexpected question. "Um, well... It depends."

"On what?" Sal asked.

"It's common for teenagers to think they're in love, when it's only infatuation," Michelle said, sounding a lot like Russell.


"But they can fall in actual love, after they've gotten to know the person. And if they've been together long enough."

"Oh!" Sal's face brightened. He and Russell knew each other well, and they'd been together long enough.

Michelle smiled. "Have you found love? Is that what this is about-"

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