Chapter 19

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Russell walked out of his last class straight into Sal, accidentally knocking him over. Apologizing profusely, he helped Sal to his feet.

"It's fine." Sal brushed the side of his leg, looking surprisingly pleased for someone who just fell over. "You should drop everything you're doing to hang out with me right now."

Russell sighed. Sal did not understand the concept of planning ahead. Normally, Russell would cave in and spend an hour somewhere with him. Mainly getting Slurpees while worrying about the repercussions from his parents for his lateness. But this day happened to be a Thursday. "I can't today."

"But we have to," Sal said. "I realized that Tuesday was the four month anniversary of our first date, and we didn't celebrate it."

Russell put his hand over his forehead, then ran it through his hair. "We never celebrate that kind of stuff."

"I think we should change that. We need our date nights or else we will lose our passion for each other."

"Can't we do it tomorrow instead?"

"But today-"

"I have plans tonight."

Sal gasped, clutching his hand to his chest. "You have plans? You never have plans. What kind of plans?"

Russell had never told him about youth group, hoping he'd never have to. It was so embarrassing. Being dragged to church every Sunday was bad enough. Maybe he should lie and make up some other excuse.

"Are you cheating on me?" Sal asked nonchalantly.

"What? No!" Russell tugged the straps of his backpack. "It's just... You'll laugh."

"Good, I could use one."

Smart ass. Russell laid his eyes on Sal's lips, the familiar longing of kissing them coursing through his body. If only he could ditch stupid youth group to hang out with him. Find a private parking lot. Do things with him that the youth group leaders discouraged. God, the things he would do if he had the chance. If only he didn't have to worry about Pastor Dave mentioning his absence to his mother, he'd ditch it every week, and spend those two hours in a deserted parking lot with Sal. Maybe he would let him-

"Yo, my face is up here." It was then when Russell realized his eyes had traveled from Sal's lips to the front of his faded jeans. He looked back at his face. "So, what's the big joke?" Sal asked.

"I have youth group," Russell mumbled.

"Youth group? What's that?"

"It's a sort of church meeting where we sit around listening to adults talk about how awesome Jesus is."

Sal stroked his chin, as if pondering life's mysteries. "Jesus is pretty awesome."

"And every Thursday, for the past 5 years, I've been dragged to that hell hole."

Sal stroked his chin again. "Will there be food?"

"Yeah. They always have pizza, to lure the new ones in."

"Are guests allowed?"

Russell immediately saw where this was going. "No. You are not coming with me to youth group."

"But I want pizza."

"Then ask your parents to order some."

"But I want pizza with you."

Russell slid his phone up from his pocket to check the time. 3:10. He had to leave by 4:30. He looked back at Sal, who looked up at him with sad, rounded eyes, hands clasped under his chin. "Alright, fine. I need to drop my stuff off and check in with my parents, and I suggest you do the same."

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