Chapter 28

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Sal wished that R was next to C in the alphabet. Then, maybe he'd be sitting closer to Russell during the graduation ceremony. It would be the last time they would be able to see each other without having to sneak around. He snorted when "Russell Cox" was called, and smiled as he watched Russell walk across the stage to take his fake diploma. They'd all have to get in line later to pick up their real ones. Sal didn't understand why they were given fake ones, but he was happy the whole school thing was done with.

Once the ceremony was over, he ran straight into Russell's arms.

Russell kissed his forehead. "Finally, high school is over."

"Yeah." Sal took both of Russell's hands in his own. "But now how are we gonna see each other?"

"You got your license now. You can drive to my work, and see me on my lunch hour."

"With what car?" Sal had gotten his driver's license the previous weekend. The test went well enough, although he kept getting his lefts and rights mixed up.

"Congrats Sal!" Brenda pushed her way through a large swarm of graduates and parents. She pulled him into a hug, which Sal awkwardly returned.

"So, when's the wedding?" Tyler asked, looking between Sal and Russell.

Sal blushed, and someone bumped into him. Terry and Stewart.

"Thank God we're finally out of high school," Terry said.

"Now we got four years of college to deal with," Russell said.

Sal grinned. "Not me."

"Yeah, instead you get to spend the rest of your life working retail," Terry said.

"I'm going to miss you," Sal said.

Terry gave him a wistful smile. "Me too."

Sal introduced his foster parents to Stewart and Terry. Brenda pulled out her phone, and took pictures of the group, some of Sal with just Russell. Their photo shoot, however, was soon interrupted.

"Hey, Sal."

Sal turned around to find Heather standing next to him. He returned the 'hey,' then wrapped his arm around Russell for another picture.

It seemed as though Heather had more to say, despite only speaking to Sal a grand total of three times. She cleared her throat. "Remember when you came out as asexual, and I said I had a friend who's also asexual?"

"Sal's asexual?" Tyler asked, gaping. Brenda dropped her phone, but caught it before it hit the grass.

Sal flinched. Once again, Heather had unintentionally outed him. He couldn't bring himself to look at Tyler, and instead turned his gaze to his geology teacher nearby, who was talking to a college-aged boy. Probably someone's older brother.

"Didn't you know?" Heather asked.

"We had no idea," Brenda said.

Tyler continued staring, wild-eyed. "He can't be. He's dating Russell."

Sal's face grew warm. He slowly inched away towards his geology teacher when another voice jumped in.

"You can be asexual and still date people."

Sal noticed the girl standing next to Heather. Her oblong face, long blonde hair, and blue eyes looked familiar. His breath caught for a second. No, it couldn't be her. "It's only aromantic aces that don't date," the girl continued, giving Heather a side-eye.

"But how is that possible?" Tyler looked at Sal. "Is this true?"

But Sal's mind was too distracted by the girl. Her eyes locked into Sal's, and she gave him a smile. "You must be the Sal Heather keeps pushing me to meet."

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