Author's Note

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To all who have made it until the very end, thank you for reading, for voting, and for commenting. I would like to extend this thanks to saintcpanicking--RikaRouge919, and XNWilliams, for always voting and commenting on each new update I'd post. I appreciate it.

This is the first novel I ever wrote to completion, and is the first thing I've written in about 6 years. When I first sat down to write this, I intended to make some sort of parody of a teen romance novel containing every possible trope. You might even see some of the book's original direction in earlier chapters. But somewhere along the way, I began taking this book seriously. I guess that's what happens when you fall in love with your characters, and accidentally give them backstories you can't joke about.

I've spent many, many months with Russell and Sal, and now, I don't know where to go from here. A sequel to this would be pointless, although there is so much about these two you still don't know about.

But I have imagined scenarios in their adult lives, and am currently debating on if I should make a book of short stories revolving around that. If I were to do this, updates would be whenever I come up with an idea, but each update would be a completed story. That way, there will always be some sort of closure, so you'd never be left hanging for the next update that may or may not come. At the same time, things will happen that would affect future things. I suppose you could describe it as episodic. Kinda like how sitcoms are. It might not ever be officially completed, but it would be more of a thing for me to write when I think of new shenanigans. Would anyone be interested in this?

Regardless of whether I write the short stories or not, I do have an idea for a new, unrelated story. I'm still mentally planning it, but I look forward to writing it, to the point where I'd neglect to update the short stories. Which is one reason why I'm hesitant on the short stories. Knowing myself, once I start writing this new story, I won't want to stop.

If I do write the short stories, I'll post a new chapter in here announcing it. In the meantime, would anyone be interested in reading deleted scenes? I have an obscene amount of those. Enough to write another book, come to think of it.

Again, thanks for all of your support. If you have any feedback how this book could have been better, or what you liked about it, or anything else, feel free to drop a comment. I hope you enjoyed The Riveting Lives of Russell and Sal.

~ Riley Kifer

(P.S. If you loved this story, feel free to check out my other works!)

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