Mudbloods and Murmurs

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I woke up. Went to breakfast and ate. Then I headed down to the courtyard.

I sat on a bench and opened my book, It was one of my favorite Muggle book 'The Hunger Games' I adored it. I was at the part when she volunteered for her sister Prim.

"Hello, Penny!"

Some kid said happily next to me. I turned to my right to find Colin.

"Hello, Colin," I said annoyed, for I was in the middle of a sentence.

"Can I have a picture of you. Please!"

"What for?" I said closing my book.

"Well, you're Harry Potter's girlfriend! Aren't you?"

I was a little take aback.

"No!" I snapped, but sighed. "Sorry, Colin. I'm not his girlfriend and if I was why would you want a picture?" I questioned.

"Oh - Er - well, my friends and I made a bet," he said timidly.

"What kind of bet?" I wondered.

"Well, I have to get a picture of the prettiest girl in school," he said shyly.

"Oh - Er - maybe later, Colin. I'm trying to read my book."

"Alright. Well, bye!"

Once he left Hermione came and joined me. She sat down next to me and started reading her book. I looked up and saw an annoyed Harry and a blabbering Colin.

"I'll go and get a good seet, Harry!" Colin called and ran off as Harry entered the changing room.

"Let's go and get a seat, okay," Hermione said, "I know you want a good seat too, so you can look at your wonderful Harry," she teased and nudged me as we walked up to the stands to get a seat.

"Hey! Over here!" I looked around and saw Ron waving towards us.

We made our way over to Ron and sat down. After little while the team came out of the locker room. I looked at Harry as he looked at me, I gave a little wave and a thumbs up.

"She so likes him," Hermione and Ron said in sync as they looked at me.

"Sssshhhhh, someone might hear you," I snapped. "Don't say anything cause he's coming over here."

"Aren't you finished yet?" Ron called incredulously as Harry made his way over.

"Haven't even started," Harry said, I noticed that he was starring at Ron's toast. I grabbed the toast from Ron and gave it to Harry.

"Hey, that was mine!" Ron whined.

"So, now it's Harry's," I said turning to Harry.

"Thanks, Wood's been teaching us new moves." Harry said as he mounted his broom and kicked off.

All three of us watched. I heard footsteps to my right so I turned my head. It was the Slytherins. Wood shot down to the ground, Harry, Fred and George following. The rest of the Gryffindor team came down also.

"What's going on?" I questioned.

"I don't know," Hermione started.

"Let's find out," Ron finished.

We made our way over to see what was happening.

"What's going on?" I asked Harry as I stood next to him.

"Why aren't you playing? And what's he doing here?" Ron said looking at Malfoy.

I was taking in his Quidditch robes.

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