The Diary

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October arrived and I noticed Ginny was getting a little pale.

Hermione, Ron and I were in the common room waiting for Harry. I walked over to the portrait hole and opened it up, but when I did Harry smacked right on to me. I fell on my back as he landed on top of me, and he was covered in mud.

"Eeww, get off me!" I screeched, pushing him off before he got me dirty.

"Sorry let me get changed!" Harry yelled running up the stairs.

Once he got pack he started telling us about a Deathday party we had to attend.

"A Deathday party?" I said.

"I bet there aren't many living people who can say they've been to one of those-" Hermione said.

"It'll be fascinating!" I said enthusiastically.

"Why would anyone want to celebrate the day they died?" Ron said grumpy as he did his potions homework. "Sounds dead depressing to me. . ."

Halloween arrived.

"A promise is a promise," Hermione said bossily as Harry said he didn't want to go.

"You said you'd go to the Deathday party," I reminded Harry. "But I can't go."

"Why not?" Harry said.

"Ginny wanted to show me something," I said. "I better go she is probably waiting."

"Oh, okay, bye," Harry said as I kissed his cheek.

"See-yah later," I said running of to the girls dormitories.

"Ginny, where are you?" I said as I entered her dorm room.

"Over here!" She called from a window.

"What do you want to show me?" I said sitting down next to her.

"This!" She said showing me her diary.

"- Er - your diary?" I said confused.

"It's not just a diary - the diary talks back," she said. "Here wright in it!"

I grabbed the book and put it on the desk. I looked at Ginny. "What should I wright?"

"Ummm, first thing that comes to mind," she suggested.

I sighed and wrote 'Harry Potter is hot', then next thing I know it wrote back. 'You are a weird person!' I gasped and looked at Ginny.

"Isn't that cool!" She said happily.

'And he doesn't see you more than a friend' the diary said. I sighed and wrote back 'will Harry Potter ever like me' I wrote back 'one day he might', I smiled at the reply.

"Ginny, this is awesome!" I said excitedly.

"Let's both write in it!" She said as she ran over and sat next to me by her bench.

'Im so glad I've got this diary to confide in . . . It's like having a friend I can carry around in my pocket . . . I just showed my best friend' Ginny wrote, 'that's good, I like your friend' the diary wrote back. 'Now ask your friend to tell me a little about her, crush' the diary replied.

'Oh, Harry, well he's the best, but when he was little Voldemort came and killed his parents. I never told him, but I lived next to him and when Voldemort came, he killed my parents right before he killed Harry's. when Harry was a baby and Voldemort killed his parents he then proceeded to kill Harry, but the curse rebounded and made a little lightening bolt on his forehead, then Voldemort was never heard of again, until a year ago he came back, but Harry fought him, and won. Is that enough?' I wrote. 'Thats enough' the diary said back.

Then everything went black.


I saw Penny stand up, she started walking away.

"Penny, what're you doing?" I asked, walking up to her.

"I'm going for a walk, please don't follow me," she said in a monotone voice.

"Okay," I said creeped out as she left the dorm.

I ran over to the diary. 'What's happening to Penny?', 'She's fine' It wrote back. I got furious I know it did something to her. 'Tell me the truth!'. 'No'. I just decided to leave it alone for a little bit.


I awoke with a gasp. I looked around and saw writing on a wall. I crawled closer and worked out the writing 'THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS HAS BEEN OPENED. ENEMIES OF THE HEIR, BEWARE.' And It was written in blood. I gasped for I had no idea what was going on, I mean the first second I was writing in a book with Ginny, then next second I'm here.

I looked at my hands and noticed they were all red, I stood up and fell back down, the floor was all wet. I leaned against the wall panting as I looked at the writing.

i gasped as i noticed a cat, hanging by its tail on the torch bracket. It looked dead. But I sort of remembered a hissing, I couldn't see or control my body or even remember. But I did hear hissing.

I stood up and started running down the corridor, but when I turned a corner, I wasn't surprised when I noticed Harry on top of me.

"I heard something - I think it went this way!"

"Harry, what was all that about?" I questioned.

"I couldn't hear anything. . . " Ron said, wiping sweat off his face.

Hermione gave a little gasp as she pointed at the writing.


I gulped as they started getting closer.

"What's that thing - hanging underneath?" Ron said, with a slight quiver.

They edged nearer as I watched, once they noticed it they leaped back. I started crying because I actually liked the cat.

"Let's get out of here," Ron said.

"Shouldn't we try and help-" Harry said awkwardly as he put an arm over my shoulder.

"Trust me," Ron said. "We don't want to be found here."

Too late.

Students piled in at each end of the corridor, the happy and cheerful laughter all died down as the people noticed the cat. Harry, Ron, Hermione and I all stood alone in the middle of the corridor. Then someone shouted over the silence.

"Enemies of the heir, beware! You'll be next, Moodbloods!"

I gritted my teeth as I heard that word, especially the person who said it, just the sight of him makes you want to puke.

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