Before I Was Here (Akutagawa Ryunosuke x Reader)

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The man woke up with cold sweat.

His breathing was uneven, and he felt that a coughing fit was about to start.

And it did.

His coughing got louder and more painful. He felt something wet on the hand that he was covering his mouth with.

Mucus? Not exactly. It was mixed with blood.

It wasn't too plenty, but it covered most of his palm.

The sight could make almost anyone cringe in disgust.

But he was used to it.

His rough childhood had taken a huge toll on his present state. His health, stature, and attitude had been most affected.

He stood up from his bed and head to the bathroom to wash the mucus off. He didn't bother to look at the mirror, but when he just so happen to take a quick glance at the mirror after also washing his face he noticed that he looked more tired than usual.

Heading to the kitchen to get a glass of water, he also checked the time on the wall clock.

2:17 AM.

He was fairly disappointed. He only slept at around 11:00 PM and was hoping he would get a decent sleep.

He drank his water and went to the living room.

He sat on his couch and recalled his dream.

It wasn't a pleasant one. That's for sure.

It could be considered a nightmare if he wasn't used to what he saw in his dream.

He did massacres himself.

It wasn't an everyday task but he still killed people from time to time.

The dream was a slighlty different case.

It was a bloody scene, yes.

It was one of those dreams that are actually memories just all twisted and jumbled up.

It happened before he was here.

Before he joined the Port Mafia.

Before his life had a regular dose of bloodshed.

Before he felt anything.

It started just seconds before they came. It was like the calm before the storm.

Then the storm came.

Damn dream physics won't let him run properly. He was caught. He failed to save them.

Well, he couldn't change what truly happened anyway.

They were all beaten to death. Luckily for Akutagawa, his sister helped him get out alive, but not unscathed.

It wasn't their fault they heard something they shouldn't have.

It was that criminal organization's fault. They weren't careful enough that some innocent children had overheard their conversation.

But like in all dreams, there was a ertain aspect in it that truly made it a dream. A slight twist in the original event that certainly wasn't real.

It sent even Akutagawa shivers down his spine.

He saw it while he was running to exact hs revenge on the criminals who killed the people he could consider his friends.

He looked to his side, and he saw it; the twist in reality.

He stopped running as his heart began to beat faster.

You were standing beside him; bloodied, bruised and beaten up. Blood running from the hit you took on your head dripped down to the ground.

It was unnerving of course. He was sure that this companion, who was right beside him, was dead.

She wasn't just a companion though.

She was the only one other than his sister who'd talk to him.

Who wouldn't talk behind his back.

Who would help him treat his his wounds.

Who genuinely cares for him.

Whom he cared for as well.

Who made him feel human.

No matter how small; no matter how insignificant the sensation seemed then.

He still felt something he couldn't quite process.

And he saw your limp form.

He watched you being beaten to death as he took his own beatings from the perpetrators. He watched as the others died right before his eyes.

He saw it all once.

He didn't need to see that again...

He didn't have to remember that...

He didn't have to feel the same hatred he felt that night...

He knew it didn't matter anymore.

He knew it was all irrelevant now.

Or so it seems.


And that's part 1. I guess.

Requested by: ArfOfWar, Aitaku-chan


I hope I didn't disappoint anyone.

I hope this one came out alright.

I really hope it did. Like, little-to-no errors.

And sorry for cutting it short. The next part will hopefully be published by Wednesday or Thursday.

Regarding requests, I don't think I can take one right now because of reasons.

Random Fact:

•Fyodor is hot af.

•Also Gin is awesome. She lowered my self esteem a tad bit, but she's nevertheless awesome. Because of super awesome reasons. Like being related to someone very special.

<cough> akutagawa <cough>

•Correction for the random fact in the previous story, Chuya is actually around 5'3 since 1 inch is roughly 2 centimeters.

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