Of Avian Interests (Edogawa Ranpo x Reader)

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Highschool AU (-ish)


Ranpo believed all his efforts should be rewarded with praises or snacks (or both) because why not.

He spent so much effort deducting the perfect day to eat lunch in the school garden with his lover, and even dragging her out of their classroom.

And he really wants a praise (or a snack) from her.

"For at least five minutes, can you stop looking at the birds and look at me instead?" He said to his lover who was eyeing some birds occupying the area near them.

"Why?" She asked. "There are so many of them right now, and I don't get a chance to look at them this close,"

"Why are you even looking at those birds?" He pouted. "I mean, they haven't done anything to get your attention."

She turned her gazed towards him.

"And what have you done to deserve my attention?" She asked while arching an eyebrow.

He looked as if that question dealt him over 9000 damage.

"I did many things!" He boasted with utmost certainty.

"Of course you did," She said as faced towards him.


There's honestly nothing better than sitting on a comfortable chair while admiring the best view of the sunset in the comforts of your home.

Birds were flying across the sky, and you couldn't help but admire them too.

Their mastery of aviation fascinated you.

"Are you gonna keep looking at them, or are you gonna get in here and cuddle with me?" Your lover whined from the couch behind you.

"Just a few more moments, Ranpo. Then I'll be there," You said as you kept your gaze towards the birds.

"But you're just looking at birds!" He groaned. "You could do that later!"

You hummed in response. With your attention still on the birds.


Ranpo let out another groan of frustration as he couldn't seem to coax you into joining him.

He was making an effort that way.

He could see how much you loved to look at them though.

He found it rather annoying actually. That some feathered creatures were getting more attention from you than he was.

And he really wanted to change that.

He could formulate a plan to redirect your attention from those avian creatures to him. He could formulate it now, and both of you would be cuddling in no time!

That is if he hadn't let his laziness take over him.

"What makes them so interesting anyway?" He asked as he tried to rise from the couch to walk over to you, but shifted another position he found comfortable instead.

"They remind me of you. In a way, I guess." She replied.

Now this got him interested.

"How so?" He urged.

"Well, the fact that they fly sort of reminds me of the fact that you're incredibly smart," She explained. "Thanks to their mastery of aviation, they can reach incredible heights and could fly long distances. For your intelligence, it reminds me of how it can make even the toughest of problems easy for you to figure out."

He was left speechless. He knew what to say, but there were so many things that could say.

"It must be such a luxury to have your level of intelligence. I sometimes find myself envious of you," She said wistfully. "But I don't harbor any grudge towards you because of it. In fact, I'm always astonished by it. I find myself more interested in you with every moment I spend with you. Especially when you're using your intelligence."

She stood up from her chair, and made her way over to him. She laid down on his arms, and wrapped her own around him.

"Simply put," She continued. "When I see birds, I think of you. I think of every reason why you're such an amazing person." She said while giving him a kiss on his forehead.

Ranpo, for the past few moments, could not utter a single word in reply.

He was on cloud nine.

He had just listened to his lover tell him things he could only dream of. His pride was welling up in chest. All he could was tighten his embrace on her as he smiled, absolutely delighted by the praises he received.

His efforts were rewarded afterall.

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