Clouds and Contemplation (Mark Twain x Reader)

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Diligence is something that you don't have plenty of. That is why you prefer idleness.

Lazing around with your significant other was one of your favorite things to do.

Like right now.

Both of you were sprawled across the picnic blanket you had laid on the grass. With a tree providing you shade, you held each other's hands as you watched the clouds role by.

After watching a cloud slowly make its way out of your line of vision, your gaze had lingered from the blue sky to him.

Not long after, thoughts came into your head. You began to contemplate on how you got to be with such an amazing man.

He was kind and caring towards you.

He was confident and had great self-esteem.

His pride would balloon at times, but he would never fail to make sure you know everything he loves about you.

He was someone a lot aspired to be.

He was also someone people aspired to be with. But he chose to be with you.

And here you are holding his hand.

The same hand that dragged you across adventures you could never learn to regret.

The same hand he used to poke your cheek with whenever he wanted your attention.

The same hand he placed behind your head as he held you close in an embrace.

It was really comforting.

A while later, he turned to you smiling. He opened his arms, a gesture saying that he wanted a hug. And you, of course, complied.

He pulled you in his arms and gave you a squeeze.

"Thanks for being here with me," He whispered into your ear. "I really appreciate it."

"Anything for you, Mark. Besides," You said to him. "I love spending time with you."

He let out a laugh before responding with a "Me too".

You stayed in his embrace for a while. Feeling his soft breathes blow against your hair and his heart beating against your chest.

"There is nothing better than this," You stated. "Being with my favorite person in the world."

"Aww. Your making me blush." He replied as he nestled into the crook of your neck. "Really though. You are making me blush. Look."

He pulled away enough so that you could see his face clearly and by goodness was he adorable.

His cheeks were lightly tinted red. The sheepish smile on his face made him even cuter.

You could help but smile.

"You're so cute," You told him.

"But you're even cuter," He said as his smile widened.

He pulled you back into a hug with a sigh.

A few moments had passed before realizing that you two had been there for quite a while.

"Shouldn't we get going?" You asked.

"Hush. Just enjoy being in my arms." He said, unwilling to move.

A breathy laugh escaped your lips.

"Fine," was your only response as you thought It wouldn't hurt.


Requested by: -shirogala (sorry i tagged you with your old name)

thank you for requesting!

i had fun writing it. I hope you enjoyed it :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2017 ⏰

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