~Chaper One~
"I won! I won!" Rachel shouted from the other end of the phone.
"You won the tickets?! I won the contest?! We won the contest?!!" I'm lying on the floor of my bedroom.
"Ashley...WE'RE GOING TO HAWAII!" By now both of us are jumping and screaming and laughing. Anyone who didn't know us would think we just came from a One Direction concert.
"OH MY GOSH WE HAVE TO START PACKING." I say. I rest at the edge of my bed.
"Okay," She takes a breath. "I'll talk to u later then." Rachel hangs up. That's when I drop my phone and sprint down the stairs.
"Mom, mom!" I trip over the last step, and of course clumsy me almost runs face first into the kitchen counter.
"What! What!" She fails to imitate me.
"I got the tickets.."
"You didn't.."
"We won mom!" I'm shouting again. "I'm going to Hawaii!"
"Oh honey, I'm so proud of you. Congratulations!" She says.
"Ok ok." I take a deep breath. "Thanks mom." I give her a big hug and skip back to my room. We leave tomorrow morning.
The phone rings. Why am I guessing it's just Rachel cancelling on me for Liam? Yeah her cocky boyfrend. Long story. I see that jerk way too often. He goes where ever Rachel goes, and Rachel is always with me. If you get what I'm saying.
"Hey Rach."
"Ash, hey. I"m sorry but I gotta cancel tonight again..Liams says he has a suprise for me. To wish me congratuations." I can hear the 'I know you wont mind' tone in her voice.
"Sure, whatever" I wonder if she knows I'm rolling my eyes. "but your still picking me up tomorrow morning right?" I ask, hopefully.
"K. See you then, then."
"Oh! And one more thing!" She adds. "Liam is the third person coming on our trip. Love ya bye." The line goes dead.
"Shit." I say aloud. You have got to be kidding me. Liam. Of all poeple. She knows what I think of him, thats why she said it so quickly. The thing is, she use to think it too. We both thought he was just a stuck up popular jerk. But then he worked his 'charms' (I'm not even sure) and they've been dating ever since. And now of course, I get to spend my last two weeks of freedom before school starts, with it. I mean him. Oops. As if I havent seen him enough already. All I can tell myself is< at least shes happy, and if she is I am. Period. Even thought it was a stipid choice. Great. My day just turned from amazing to horrible. Can't wait.
Hope you all like it so far! Better and longer chapers coming sooooon. Comment what you think:)

Going Down
Teen Fiction{CURRENTLY RE-WRITING} Ashley is estatic when she hears she won a two week trip to Hawaii, but she starts running out of luck when her best friends boyfriend Liam comes along. She doesn't think things could possibly get any worse until her first pla...