~Chapter Two~
I slowly roll out of bed. Litterally. I fall to the ground making a huge thump. It's 5:00 am and I'm not ready to wake up yet. Turning on my light I make my way to the bathroom. I turn on the bathroom light and find it difficult to keep my eyes open, it's so bright my eyes sting. I twist the cold tap causing ice cold water to pour out. I's one of those weird sinks with a huge bowl and a strange way of water output. Cupping ym hands, filling them to the edge I splash my face, sneding a huge shiver down my back. Then I realize, todays the day we leave for Hawaii. Now that I'm wide awake and excited to leave I make my bed, brush my teeth and hair, slide into my turquiose bikini, and get dressed into my floral shorts and pink flip flops, tucking in my tangerine tank top. Grabbing my passport, money, and ticket, I check to make sure I'm ready to go. I snatch a few more pony holders from my dresser and head down stairs to see mom. She's all compfy cozy in her soft polar bear pajama pants and white baggy t-shirt, wrapped in her normal grey sweater, grasping onto her cup of coffee. Her hair up in a messy bun. Maybe it was just because of her tired look, but she doesn't seem ready to say good-bye.
"Good morning honey." She greats me at the door.
"Hey mum."
"I want you to stay safe..ok?" She remindes me.
"I know, I know." I say bending down to pick up my luggage.
"I love you." She manages to show a slight smile.
"I love you more." I say.
"Impossible." She reply. I give her a huge hug and walk out the front door. There, sitting in the taxi infront of my drive way, are Rachel and Liam.
"What are you looking at." I grown at Liam who's happily sitting in the back seat of the car with Rach.
"Whatever." I roll my eyes, stuff my things in the trunk and hop into the front seat.
"Hawaii here we come!!!" Rachel shouts out the window and I wave good-bye. I think she scared off a flock of birds and woke up our old neighbours. From what it looks like, the cab driver seemed to smile a little.
We finally get to the airport, grab our things and head to our flight. I'm getting really nervious that's for sure. I get all sweaty and I start to shake. Especially when I think something bads gonna happen. It's probably just becuase I'm a plane virgin. I push the thought aside.
"You look wonderful this morning ladies." Liam goes to hold Rachels hand. I am such a loner.
"Aw thanks babe." Rachel squeezes his hand and pecks him on the cheeck. Ew. And yes this is what I think of them all the time.
"Don't flatter yourself." I shoot him a look and he grins. Why does he enjoy making me angry? I don't know. Seeing him today definatly ruined my mood.
Now that we have arrived at the luggage check place thing we put our bags through custums. When Rachel gets a phone call.
She takes five minutes then comes back to line.
"Guys I'm so sorry." Oh no.. "I have to go back home. I forgot my favourite lipstick and eye liner at home, my dad just called to let me know." Ugh and the girliness kicks in.
"Can can't you go two weeks without it?" I hope.
"No." Liam says.
"No I need that lipstick." She says. "You guys go I'll take the next plane out." She doesn't even give us a chance to put up an arrgument. She just gives us each a hug an leaves.

Going Down
Teen Fiction{CURRENTLY RE-WRITING} Ashley is estatic when she hears she won a two week trip to Hawaii, but she starts running out of luck when her best friends boyfriend Liam comes along. She doesn't think things could possibly get any worse until her first pla...