~Chapter Thirteen~
Their boat was nice. It wasn't like high tech or anything. But it wasn't broken down and stuff either. A good size.
"Welcome to your home for the next few days."
The inside was nice too.
"Ashley? Could I speak with you for a moment?"
"Yeah sure." I walk over to the caption and we enter a private room.
"We have some news for you. We just don't want you to be clueless once we get you home."
"It's about your mom."
"Oh. Yeah I was gonna ask u. Did her kimo work out the other day?"
"That's the thing..uhem. Your mother. She passed yesterday."
"What..? N-no no that's n-ot possible. No."
"We are all so sorry, Ashley."
Then without thinking. I run. I run towards the way off the boat. Passing Liam and Clay and some of the medics. I feeling like I'm drowning.
I jump off the ship, and back into the forest..
This isn't happening. This isn't happening.
"ASHLEY. WHERE ARE YOU GOING." I hear a voice yell. I don't know who thought. Their following me.
"There's nothing's for me to go back too. I'm not leaving till she come back." I yell.
By now tears are falling down my face. Making my eyes blurry and I have to keep wiping it all away.
This isn't happening. This isn't happening.
I stop once I reach behind the waterfall. Then I claps against the wall.
"Ashley." I hear the voice say.
I'm sobbing too much to reply.
"Ashley. We'll get through this. Your stronger then this. You've fucking survived on an island for crying out loud."
"There's nothing left to I back too. She's dead. Just like the rest of them. It took over her like I was afraid it would. And now I have no one." I say, my knees pulled to my chest. My head resting in my arms.
"There's Rachel.......and me?"
I finally look up to see Liam staring right into me. Ours eyes lock as they did before. This times behind his, there's pain.
"It kills me to see you like this Ash."
"I can't do this anymore. I can't handle another death. Not in these ways."
He pulls me close to him and I snuggle into his chest. His body heat confers me like my own bed back home. "It's gonna be alright Ash. I know it, and you know it. We just have to work some things out."
I sniffle. "Really?.." I whisper.
"Really." He says kissing the top of my head. I dig deeper into him. Half on him, half on the cold hard rock underneither us.
We lie there for a bit till I hear yelling from the other side of the waterfall.
"Ash? I think it's time we go." Liam says softly, his head resting on mine.
"...Okay" Liam gets up then pulls me up after him. I hold onto him. Because I'm not leaving this place without knowing he's with me. He's the only fraction of home I got.

Going Down
Novela Juvenil{CURRENTLY RE-WRITING} Ashley is estatic when she hears she won a two week trip to Hawaii, but she starts running out of luck when her best friends boyfriend Liam comes along. She doesn't think things could possibly get any worse until her first pla...