Chapter 12: All Alone

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Finnick's P.O.V

We didn't rest for long and we kept walking along with Peeta in front cutting the vines to clear a path for us. Nalia was always on my mind. I couldn't believe that I started all of this. I sigh as we keep moving along. Katniss hesitated before following me. Katniss stopped again and looked around like something was ahead but to me it just looked like more and more jungle. Just as Peeta was about to cut another vine, Katniss yells 'PEETA NO!' But she was too late Peeta cut and was shoot back by an invisible wall. He landed just in front of me. I look at the jungle where Peeta got shocked and it was some kind of wall. 'Peeta!' Katniss yells again and drops everything and runs towards people. She can't do anything but I can do. I push Katniss out of the way and start CPR on Peeta. Katniss was shocked at first but let me do my thing. After a minute or so Peeta takes a shaky but is now breathing. Katniss gasps and hugs Peeta tight. I move away a bit. It makes me sick seeing them like this. 'Thanks Finnick.' Peeta says shakily. I nod at him and smile. 'We should get moving and find fresh water.' I suggest. 'What about Peeta...' Katniss asked. 'I'm fine Katniss.' Peeta says getting up. Katniss looks at him with concern. I sigh and look away. I can't bear to watch love at this very moment. We start off again but this time with Katniss in front with rocks in her hand throwing them towards the shield. Soon Peeta slows down and I can see that he isn't in the condition to walk much more. I stop and turn around. 'We will stop here for the night because Peeta isn't going fair the way he is.' I say putting down my supplies. 'Ok then.' Katniss says. We are all weak from no water and food. 'I'll take first watch.' Katniss offers. 'Are you sure?' I question her. She nods. I get some big leaves and lay them down for Peeta and I. 'Thanks.' Peeta says before lying down and falling straight to sleep unlike me who stares into the night.

Nalia's P.O.V

I must have fallen asleep and when I wake up it's still dark and I'm still in one piece surprisingly. I have nothing but a trident. No food or water because there were no supplies in reach or that I could see to say the least. I feel weak but I can't give up or can I? I mean I have no family or friends to say the least. But I know Henri wouldn't like to see me give up anyway. I groan as I carefully lift myself up off the ground and I lean on a tree. My first Priority is to find fresh water and food. It's so hot in this jungle it isn't funny. I walk slowly through the jungle aimlessly hoping that no one's sneaks up on me. The light was returning to the sky as I walk through the jungle looking for water and something to eat. Suddenly I heard a noise behind me and I turn around and see nothing. I shake my head. I'm probably just seeing things because of the lack of water. I move fast away from the area. I come back out to where there is a beach with waves lapping at the sand. It all looks calm. I look around for anyone who is on the Cornucopia but no one was but I didn't want to risk it. Lightning strikes a big tree in the distance which is completely weird but I ignore it and walk back into the jungle. My back and shoulder are still stinging like mad and it's starting to weight me down. I collapse in a heap further in where I can't see the ocean at all anymore. It's still light and I don't have the energy to keep going. I pull myself up and keep going because I need to find water and food.

When I am about to give up a little parachute floats down towards me. I look in surprise at it. Took it long enough. I get up and take it out of the sky. I open it and find a bit of fruit, cream and a metal weird looking thing. I look at the note which said 'Already in the roughs I see.' Haymitch. I laugh to myself. Only Haymitch would send that. I eat hungrily at the food careful to leave some for later. I place cream on my cuts but I can't reach all of them but it will have to do. The last thing Haymitch sent me was a small metal thing that I had no idea what it was for. I played around with for a while until I felt like an idiot. It's a spile for getting water out of the trees. I rush to the biggest and most good looking tree nearby and stabbed a hole in it with my trident. I put the spile in the hole and wait. Sure enough ten seconds later water flowed out of the tree and onto the ground. I was so thirsty now. I gulped up water by the second and soon I was rehydrated and feeling a lot better than before. 'Thank you Haymitch.' I whisper. I use the container the items came in and I filled it up with water for later. I put the rest of the food and the spile on my waist with a piece of vine. I am starting to get tired again but I can't rest I have to hike up to higher ground for cover. I continue walking up into the dense jungle. Its gets hotter as I go through and soon all my water is gone again and I stop at a big tree. I collapse beneath it and I think it's time to rest. I try and get as comfortable as I can. I lay down as the sun goes down and it's the end of the second day and I have heard no cannon today. Finnick comes to mind. I just want to be with him now. In his safe arms where I would have no care in the world. But now I'm out all alone in the arena praying no one will find me. I close my eyes and fall asleep.


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