Chapter 17: I'm Back

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A/N: Hey guys I'm sorry for not updating but I have been sick and yeah but here it is!

Finnick's P.O.V

I collapsed onto the ground in shock. The last bit of the wave nearly knocking me off the pathway. I get up run over. I run over to the pathway that Nalia got swept off. I could hear Peeta and Katniss yelling out to me to stop because it's no use but I dive in anyway. I open my eyes underwater and see the murky water unsettled from the wave. I swim down even further looking for Nalia. Suddenly I hear the cannon go off above water and I start to panic. Someone just died. I try and keep myself from having a panic attack that it was Nalia. I continue to swim down hoping to find Nalia and hopefully she is alive. I see a figure up ahead and I quicken my pace downwards. I was running out of breath so I have to be quick. I grab the figure and see that it is in fact Nalia. I had to get her up to the surface. My vision has black spots in it.

I gasp as I reach the surface. I bring Nalia's body up to my chest so her head is out of the water. Peeta and Katniss are on the other side of the cornucopia yelling my name. I swim to the closest pathway and lay Nalia on it. I pump her heart. I don't care if I break a bone but her heart needs to beat for me. I put my head on her chest and I can hear no heartbeat. I have to do better. I keep doing this. Katniss and Peeta run over to us. 'Is she breathing?' Katniss asks sitting down beside Nalia and holding her hand checking for a pulse. Her face drops quickly which answers her question. 'Come on.' I whisper. 'Just breath for me.' I whisper. I keeping doing CPR but is not working. 'Oh Finnick.' Katniss whispers. She is giving up on her but I am not giving up on my love of my life.

I almost faint when she chocks up water. I check her pulse and I can feel a faint one thumping away. I sigh in relief. She is still unconscious but she is alive. 'Finnick she's breathing.' Katniss says with excitement. 'Let's move off here and onto the beach.' Peeta suggests. I nod and carefully pick up Nalia and we move onto the nearby beach. I lay her down on the soft sand. 'I'll clean up the rest of her wounds.' Katniss says taking out what medical supplies we have which isn't much at all. I nod and go and sit beside the ocean. I am over joyed with happiness because I am finally back with Nalia. It's been a rough day for all of us. The sun is setting over the other side of the arena. Tomorrow is a new day and an interesting one it will be.

Katniss has cleaned Nalia wounds and they are both resting. I get up and sit next to Nalia and hold her hand. It's colder than mine but the similar feeling of her has got my mind racing. I lay back on the sand since Peeta has agreed to take first watch. I stare up at the starry night it has become. My eyes have become heavy and soon my eyes fall and I'm in a deep sleep.

Nalia's P.O.V

Darkness.....Is all I can see. I can't feel anything. Does this mean I am dead? I hope not but it is possible. I can hear voices but I can't reply or do anything at that. 'Come on.' Someone whispers. I recognize that voice, its Finnick's. I try shouting out to him but my voice doesn't work. 'Just breathe for me.' He breathes. I want to scream back I am but what does this all mean. Suddenly all the voices stop and it's all dark. Completely dark and I'm scared that I will never wake up again. I just want to be with Finnick and no one else.

My eyes open all of a sudden. It's dark and the stars are really bright. Is this heaven? I look around and the surroundings are familiar. I am still in the Arena and I am alive. Someone is holding my hand and I see Finnick beside me asleep. This makes me smile. Peeta is asleep a little bit further on. I wriggle out of Finnick's grasp and stand up. I am a little bit wobbly but I regain my balance quickly. I walk over to a bored looking Katniss. 'Nalia!' she shouts almost and comes up and hugs me. 'I am so glad you're ok.' She says quieter than before. I giggle and hug her back. 'How do you feel?' she asks looking at me in the moonlight. 'Better but sore.' I smile. 'You should thank Finnick if he wasn't so madly in love with you wouldn't be here.' She giggles but I just stare at her. 'You guys are perfect for each other.' She continues. I look over at Finnick's sleeping figure. 'I know.' I whisper. 'How are you and Peeta?' I ask. She looks around at Peeta and doesn't reply. 'Oh come on.' I whisper. We sit there talking until the sun came up and the boys began to stir on the ground. 'They are deep sleepers aren't they?' I giggle. Katniss nods. 'We need to keep moving today in case the careers see us.' Katniss says. 'Yep already had a few in counters with them and not pretty.' I say. She looks at me. 'What? I can't help it.' I say. She rolls her eyes and looks out at the sea. I see some movement behind me and I see Finnick and Peeta getting up. The next thing I know arms wrap around my waist. I turn around and I'm face to face with Finnick. 'Finnick.' I breathe.

Before he could do anything. I get on my tippy toes and kiss him. I have wanted to do that so long ago. I could feel him smile and kiss back.

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