Open Book

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I thank God I'm not an open book
I thank God my pages are sealed and secure

If I were an open book
You wouldn't care about the title
You wouldn't want to get to know the author

If I were an open book
I know you'd only skim through the chapters
You'd probably even read the chapters
And still rip up the pages and treat it selfishly

You'd probably skip through looking at the pictures
You wouldn't read the captions underneath
You wouldn't understand the subscript
You wouldn't take time to understand the language, the illustrations, the calligraphy, the vocabulary

If I were an open book
You would rip out all the contents of me
And keep all that would benefit you
For the future and keep all that troubled me
All the errors and mistakes would stay
But you, the selfish reader would drift away

I thank God that I'm not an open book
I thank God my deepest contents are tucked away and hidden
They're better that way than given
Given to a reader that only skims through them for the thrill

The temporary thrill of time
I am a closed book
Tucked away in the safe library of mine

Where there's comfort and security
No harsh judgement and pain
No misunderstanding and lack to understand

No selfish vulgarity to hurt me

O, I thank God I am not an open book


I know this poem can be contradicting, of course it's ok to be an open book. Where your pages can be free and bounded from nothing, which is what I write about at times. But I know this is a feeling that I have a lot. The safety of being closed and to myself. Where nobody can hurt or misunderstand me. It's not how I feel all the time, but it's a strong familiar feeling so I wrote about it.


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