Chapter Thirty Six

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K A T E ' S P O V

I don't remember falling asleep which leaves me surprised when I flutter my eyes open and am in my bed. My groggy state makes it hard for me to even want to move around, but I eventually do. I can tell now that the sun has gone down and the sky is pitch black now, even though it was merely mid afternoon when I must have fallen asleep.

With a soft yawn, I finally bring myself to roll over in bed. There's a lamp in the room on and I can hear the tv playing on low volume across the room. I nearly jump out of my skin in surprise when I look up and see Harry sitting beside me with his eyes on the tv and a glass of what looks like juice in his hand.

"Hey baby." I mumble tiredly, sitting up in my spot. He notices that I'm awake and smiles as soon as I turn to look at him.

"Good morning, sunshine." He teases back. I stretch my back for a moment and sigh softly, then scoot back to lay against him. He immediately snakes his arm around my waist and pulls me in closer while leaning down to kiss my forehead.

"How long have I been asleep? I don't even remember getting into bed." I mumble quietly. My hand grabs his cup out of his hand and I lift it to my nose, then take a small sip when I can confirm its only juice.

"You were out for almost six hours. I came upstairs to find you and you were sitting on the ground asleep. I lifted you into bed and you didn't even stir." He strokes his hand up my arm and the sweet gesture warms my body.

"Six hours? God, I have no idea how I did that." I shake my head at myself. Within another few seconds, I muster up the energy to turn my head up to look at him.

"Long day, huh? How did things go with Charlie? I met him a little while ago in the hallway but I don't think he liked me very much."

"Yeah, he doesn't like anyone very much. He told me I should go back home to Chicago and stop bothering everyone here." I stroke my fingers across his cheek and notice his lips are slightly pinker from the color of his juice.

"Oh, baby, don't-"

"I won't take it to heart. I know he doesn't probably mean it." I shrug my shoulders and Harry hums softly in acknowledgment. His eyes are focused on the tv once again and I find myself amused. I'm somewhat glad he wasn't listening. I didn't want to make a bigger deal of it than it needs to be anyways.

"Did you eat dinner? I'm sorry I slept so late." I don't bother asking for his permission before parting his legs and practically moving onto his lap. He doesn't hesitate to wrap his arms around me and lean his head back so that I have a place to lay against his chest.

"No, your family ordered takeout but I wanted to wait for you." I feel Harry's hand lift from his side, then seconds later his fingers are skimming through my hair. I flutter my eyes shut happily and enjoy the simple yet sweet gesture while it lasts.

"Oh, good. You're probably starving then." I lean back to look at him and he quickly nods.

"I almost woke you up I was so hungry." He mumbles in return. I lean forward to press my forehead against his and notice a sweet smile appear on his lips.

"I know something you could have woke me up while eating..." I kiss the tip of his nose and join in with his quiet laughter.

"You're so dirty. I can't eat the same meal twice in one day though." He wiggles his brows at me and I continue to giggle.

"Maybe you should get some real food first then we can discuss that?" I cup his face with my hands and he nods in agreement.

"I'd be more than happy to have dessert later." His lips press gently to my cheek, then he's helping me off the bed so that we can address the actual food issue.

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