Chapter Sixteen

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Kate's point of view

"Alright, class dismissed for the day. Everyone have a great afternoon and don't forget to do the homework." The professors boring voice rings through the room in the same lifeless tone that I've been hearing for an hour. The only time I've actually tuned in was a moment ago when he mentioned that the class was over.

With quick movements I manage to gather my things and stand up, only to be caught in the crowd of people also trying to exit. My sunglasses sit on my nose despite being indoors in hopes of hiding the fact that I've been practically dead to the world during the entire lecture.

"Hey, Kate," a hand taps my shoulder and causes me to snap out of my trance as I spin around to look at the culprit.

"Oh, hey." I crack a small smile as I notice Brandon standing beside me.

"Hey, I've been meaning to talk to you for, like, a week. You're always so quick to leave after the lecture I can never catch up with you." He chuckles as we begin to walk with the crowd towards the exit of the room.

"Yeah, this isn't my favorite place to be, believe it or not." I joke back sarcastically.

"Yeah, you're not alone on that. Anyways, what have you been up to?" He follows me out of the room and I'm suddenly thankful for my sunglasses the second we step outside. The sun is shining brightly in the sky and reflecting off of the light layer of snow on the ground that fell overnight.

"Nothing too exciting. Just the usual. Anything new for you?" I wrap my coat tighter around my shoulders and look up at Brandon as he falls in step beside me.

"No, not really. Why haven't we gotten together yet? We need to go have a drink or something. Not to be too forward but I have like no friends and I've noticed that you kind of don't either... So we should hang out." He cracks a smile as he looks down at me and I contemplate the offer for a moment. It's weird to think of hanging out with someone besides Harry, but I suppose I should step out of my comfort zone for once.

"Yeah, sure. Do you want to exchange numbers?" I reach for my phone in my pocket and move to hand it to Brandon, but stop when I notice a text lit up on the screen.

Meet me at the cafe on campus. I'll buy you a coffee before your next class.

I feel giddy just reading the simple message. With a quick response sent to him, I pass off my phone to Brandon and allow him to type in his number.

"I'll text you later, yeah? Maybe we can plan something for this weekend." He smiles as he passes my phone back to me and I nod. We bid a quick goodbye to each other then I'm off towards the other end of campus towards the cafe.

The second I step inside I'm warmed up by the small shop. The smell of coffee drifts sound the area and I manage to immediately spot Harry sitting across the room at a small table in the back.

"Hi," I greet happily, sitting down across from him after stripping out of my coat.

"Hey you." He smirks back, pushing the cup towards me holding the drink that he must have already ordered for me.

"How are your classes going?" He adds in a sweet tone as we settle into the table. I'm thankful for the booth that conceals our legs tangling together under the seats.

"I'm ready for them to be over." I mumble back sleepily, dramatically faking a split second of sleep that causes Harry to chuckle.

"Maybe you should go take a nap. As a professor I think it's fair to say you're probably one of those students that's sleeping the back of the lecture at this point, aren't you?" He offers me a bite of the scone sitting on a plate beside his latte. I want to question how he had time to meet me between classes, but I don't ask. I'm just happy to see him.

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