Chapter Thirty Three

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K A T E ' S P O V

Date night turns out to be a complete shit show.

After my fathers frightening text, I called home immediately. My parents were distraught on the phone as they told me that they came home from work and found Charlie in his bedroom with an empty pill bottle beside his pillow. The suicide attempt was thankfully unsuccessful and somehow the paramedics were able to pump his stomach before any real medical issues occurred. I don't think I've ever heard my parents so upset over something in my entire life.

My reaction was somewhat similar to theirs and I was left a blubbering mess in Harry's arms. We abandoned the bar and caught a cab back to his apartment. As soon as we arrived, I stripped out of my clothes and curled into a ball in his lap, desperate for his comfort. He thankfully didn't protest in the slightest and held me for hours on end while I cried on his shoulder, going on and on about silly things like memories of Charlie and I as kids and how close we were before the entire situation with James ever occurred. I go in to depth telling Harry about why Charlie now refuses to talk to me and he discusses with me all of the possible reasons Charlie could have attempted suicide. In a twisted way, trying to make some sort of logic towards the event helps my brain cope. My parents had no idea the reasoning behind his actions and I'm glad Harry was there to discuss it with me. If I hadn't considered all the options I probably would have been up all night going mental trying to work it out on my own.

I barely sleep a wink the entire night. My brain is buzzing too much to allow me some peace. Somehow, I find more peace than anything in simply watching Harry sleep. Soft snores escape his plump lips as he rests peacefully. He looks gorgeous even when he's asleep and it's the only sanity I gain the entire night.

As soon as the sun rises, I'm up out of bed and dialing what feels like endless phone numbers. It seems impossible to reach anybody and I end up dialing my parole officers cellphone number multiple times before he finally picks up. He scolds me for waking him and tells me that we won't be able to discuss anything over the phone, but I insist to the point of ending up back in tears. My distress wakes Harry and I feel his strong arms wrap around my waist just as I'm seconds from yelling at my parole officer over the phone.

As I attempt to reason further, Harry stays by my side and holds me in his arms. His lips press to my cheek multiple times while his fingers run through my hair and his free hand rubs my back. He tries to calm me down multiple times, but it's useless. Nothing will make me feel better unless I'm back at home with my family at a time like this.

My parole officer finally agrees to talk to some colleagues about the situation and call me back. I hastily agree and am left in silence once again as soon as the line is hung up.

"What'd he say?" Harry asks as soon as we're left alone. His fingers comb through my hair and I have to recompose myself before facing him.

"He's going to call me back. Fuckin' idiot. The one time I need him to control the situation he has to fucking call me back." I turn my body to nuzzle my face into his chest while his arms wrap securely around my body.

"Chill, baby. I know this is stressful but you need to take some deep breaths." Harry keeps his voice low and soothing, but it doesn't make me feel any better.

"I can't chill. My brother is in the hospital. I just want to be at home with my family." I sniffle softly and rub my eyes, then finally look up at Harry.

"Can I borrow your car to drive to Florida? I don't care about breaking my parole." I leave a small hint of teasing in my tone so that he doesn't take me seriously, even though if he did say yes I might actually consider it.

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