Chapter Thirty Two

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(Gonna update now bc I have to be at work at 4 pin the morning for Black Friday and I'm gonna die afterwards and not wanna update so here you guys gooooo. Hope you all had a happy turkey day if you celebrate)

K A T E ' S P O V

Only two days after our strange yet sentimental evening of me finally telling Harry that I love him, I find myself back in his arms once again. Even though I promised myself I would slow my thoughts and try to be reasonable with the situation so that I didn't end up heartbroken once again- I failed miserably.

My day starts as usual with me creeping around the hotel room trying to get ready without waking Lena. There's only two more days until we potentially get our dorm back, and each moment leading up to then is more painful than the last. Her lecture starts only a half hour after mine, but it allows her more sleep than me. She takes the few extra minutes seriously and I know better than to bother her.

Harry's class is a slow start and he seems to be just as tired as the rest of us. His voice seems to lull on for what feels like hours until he finally dismisses us to write in our journals. He slumps back in his chair as soon as he's seated as his desk and I sneak glances at him every few minutes while jotting down words on the paper in front of me. I'm not sure where him and I stand, which has been nerve wracking for days. We're certainly not on the same terms we used to be on, but we're also not continuing one with our cycle of him being angry with me and me giving him his space. He even texted me last night before bed and told me to sleep good, which was simple yet greatly significant to my constantly running mind.

I manage to finally get some work done as soon as I stop focusing on Harry and instead begin focusing on his assignment. My journal entry comes out well in my own opinion and I find myself stuck playing on my phone as everyone else finishes their own assignment.

Just when I'm about to reach into my bag for headphones, my phone buzzes on the desk and disrupts the silence in the room. I earn a few glares from focused students around me, but ignore them and continue to pick up the device.

From Harry:
How long have you got until your next lecture?

I look up at him sitting at his desk and he offers me a small smile. His hand motions to his phone on his desk and I only laugh silently to myself.

To Harry:
Depends on when you dismiss the class, Professor.

After looking up again, I notice him trying to hide his smile as he stares down at his phone. He seems to be in a somewhat good mood and I'm glad to see it for a change.

Not even a moment passes before his loud voice fills the lecture hall again.

"Class dismissed. If you haven't finished your assignment then do so this evening and turn it in tomorrow." He opens his laptop to look distracted as students begin gathering their things to leave the room. My phone buzzes in my hand just as I'm slinging my bag over my shoulder and I immediately notice Harry's name on the screen.

From Harry:
Go lock the door and come back to my desk.

I glance over at him after reading his message and notice he's still staring down at his phone. Without questioning him, I follow in the very back of the crowd and hesitate to leave until the final student is gone. As soon as the last student has left, I flip the deadbolt on the heavy door, then turn back to Harry. He's now leaned back in his chair and watching me closely as I pace down the steps in the room and make my way down towards him.

"Hey." I greet quietly, setting my bag down on one of the student desks near his.

"Hi. Are you mad at me?" He asks bluntly, causing me to furrow my brows in confusion.

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