Chapter Forty Eight

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Helloooo sorry it's been so long since I've updated but I'd recommend maybe going back and re-reading the last chapter if you have not done so recently just so that you can know whats happening in this one 

K A T E ' S P O V

"I have a proposition for you." Harry states suspiciously, leaning back on his desk to look at me. We're propped up in his lecture hall with our lunches in our laps and our bodies turned to face each other as we talk mindlessly.

"Okay, shoot." I eye him in return. With another bite of my salad I dab the sides of my mouth, then push my bowl away to the side. Harry's chewing slowly on some bread from his sandwich while seeming to analyze his own words in his head.

"My birthday is this weekend- as you already know-" he eyes me playfully and I nod my head in understanding. We discussed his birthday this morning while laying in bed before we got up to get ready for the day. He woke me up an hour earlier than usual just because he couldn't sleep and wanted me to spend time with him. It was annoying at the time but looking back at it now it was actually quite sweet.

"Because it's my thirtieth birthday my parents insisted they needed to fly into Chicago even though I told them a million times it wasn't necessary. They insisted though and will be here tomorrow morning. Now before you freak out and-"

"Why would I freak out?" I cut him off, internally knowing exactly why I should already be freaking out. We discussed this morning that he wanted us to go out on a date to celebrate his birthday. I suppose he didn't say it was going to be on that day though, or that we'd have to wait until his parents left.

"I assumed you'd be worried about meeting my parents." He shrugs his shoulders and takes another bite of his sandwich while looking away from me. My eyes nearly pop out of my head blowing wide in surprise.

"Harry, I'm not... We're not even dating. I'm not going to meet your parents." I look up at him in surprise and he does the same, but he also has a trace of hurt on his face.

"Well I know we're not dating but I've met your parents. Plus, we've known each other for months. It seems right for you to meet them whether you're my friend or my girlfriend." He continues to slowly peck at his sandwich, seemingly feeling awkward towards the situation. I push my lunch off to the side all together before scooting over to sit beside him. He looks up just as I'm leaning my chin on his shoulder so that we're face to face with less than a foot between us.

"I want my parents to meet the girl I love. Is that so absurd?" His voice lowers significantly due to the close proximity. I bring my hand up from my side to stroke his cheek while contemplating his question. I really don't want to meet his parents because I have no idea how I would act around them. It's hard to decide on a set personality when I'm his student, his ex girlfriend, and his main hookup.

"No, babe. But things are much different between you and I. My parents thought nothing of it when I told them you were my boyfriend. Not only am I younger than you but you've been married before and I... It just doesn't feel right. I don't feel comfortable meeting them." I try to comfort him by running my fingers through his hair while speaking, which surprisingly seems to work. He's staring back at me with sweet pouted lips as he listens intently.

"Okay. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable. Im having, like, a little get together with them and my friends at my apartment Saturday night. Maybe you can come to that and then you don't have to feel pressured to formally meet them. That way you can still spend time with my on my birthday." I feel his arm snake around my waist below us which makes my smile grow a bit wider.

"Are you sure? I get the feeling your friends don't like me much and I'm not going to be spending time with your parents. I'd be kind of an outcast."

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