Chapter 30: Lies and Liars

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"Morning" a whisper wakes me from sleep and I open my eyes slowly to the sun rising. I look over my shoulder and Spencer is standing at the end of the bed with two mugs in his hand "coffee" he offers me.

Although I don't want to drink it, I accept it with a nod "thanks," I say reaching my hand out for him to pass it. He walks over to the side of the bed and I sit up as I take it from him "and thanks for letting my stay here" I say blowing on the coffee.

He nods, takes a sip of coffee before responding "anytime" he says. "Ricks having a meeting in 10 minutes. My mom wants everyone there whose not on guard." He explains.

"Everyone?" I ask, putting the coffee down on the side table without taking a sip.

"Ya, Clint's on some kind of duty with Abraham but his friend isn't. So you can stay here if you want. I can fill you in after." He offers me understanding my hesitation.

"Thanks, but I can head back to the house and wait there." I say declining.

"Sure" he nods looking away with disappointment.

"Will you walk me back?" I ask him, he's been really nice to me and for some reason I don't want him to be upset with me.

"Of course" he says taking another gulp of his coffee and placing it down on the table next to mine "let's go."

We leave the house, walking next to each other in sync as we make our way to the home. It only takes a few minutes but the morning air is colder than the night before as soon as we get out the door and I shiver with the short sleeves I'm wearing. Spencer takes off the jacket he's wearing and offers it to me. I take it, draping it over my shoulders. We get to the steps and I go to take the jacket "thank you" I say to him

"Hold on to it" he says with a smirk before turning away. I put the jacket back over my shoulders and walk up the steps. "Shannon, hold on" he calls back to me. I turn around and he's almost reached me at the top of the steps. He stops one step below me, still a couple of feet taller than me. I stand there, waiting for whatever it is he wants to say. We stand for mere moments "never mind" he finally says going to turn back around. My head tilts to the side, further confused but he quickly turns back to me "want to have dinner with me?" He mumbles quickly.

"What?" I question not sure I heard him right.

He scratches his head "never mind" he says again turning away. Just then the door opens and Daryl walks out of the house with Carol, Michonne, and Carl.

"Excuse us" Michonne says, leading them past me. I side step and the three of them quickly pass me. I spot Daryl look at me and a snarl crosses his face.

Anger floods me and I speak up quickly "Spencer, wait!" I call to him. At this point he's a few feet away and the three of them are just passing him as his pace was slow. I jog to him "I'd love to have dinner" I say before kissing him on the cheek.

He smirks back to me "I'll get you here at 6" he says, walking away with a smile. I nod and make my way into the house. Even if Daryl didn't see it, he heard it, and the satisfaction I feel overwhelms me. I get into the house and keep myself busy by cleaning some things up.

The house starts to get busy again as whatever meeting Rick held was over. I place myself on the couch, waiting for things to calm down before I ask for the details. However, before everyone gets back, Daryl comes into the house enraged. He stops at the doorway and looks around. When he spots me he takes fast heavy steps towards me before grabbing my hand and dragging me out of the house. As we continue, my anger wells inside, although I'm annoyed he's dragging me away, I don't try and pull my arm from his grasp. Deep down I'm excited to get away from the faces of the house and talk, even if its out of anger. When he eventually stops and releases my arm I start rambling "what the hell, Daryl?! Why are you taking me here?" I spit out, annoyed he'd bring me to the spot he was with last night with a woman.

Instead of answering my question he yells back at me "what the hell is with you and mommas boy over there?" His arm spreads out, pointing in the direction of Spencer's house.

"What were you doing here last night?" I spit back.

The anger is momentarily misplaced with something else but he quickly recovers from it "what'd you hear?" He asks in a low, serious tone.

"Enough to know you're with someone!" I spit back frustrated. "That's what's with Spencer. He actually shows an interest in me, and doesn't sulk around trying to stay mysterious and angry!" I yell at him. He stays standing firmly on the ground, not registering anything else but anger so I keep going "I've wanted nothing more than for you to open up to me, for you to admit that there's something between us. Then I follow you out here and follow you to make sure you're alright, to possibly get another moment alone to talk with you, but instead you're here talking to your girlfriend or whoever she is." I end there, feeling myself get sick as the anger builds. I put a hand to my stomach to try and calm my nerves.

"That's not it" he tries to lie back.

"Don't tell me that's not it! I heard you guys talking. Why would you do that to someone?" I question "why would you do that to me?" I ask the one I really want to know, not letting myself choke up.

"Would you just listen?" He interrupts reaching for my hand frustrated.

"No! You listen, I'm done. I'm not going to wait for you to explain this all away. I'm done trying to get you to open up to me. Forget it, forget all of it. Everything I told you, everything from the woods, I'm done." I demand before storming away. As I retreat back towards to the house I know he won't call for me or follow behind. He is not that type of guy. I storm into the house and collect everything that is mine. It's not much and most of it is already packed in a bag. I leave the house in a hurry, ignoring the looks from everyone in there and anyone trying to talk to me.

I go to another door and wait for Denise to answer "Uhm, hello. Can I help you?" She looks confused.

"Can I stay here?" I ask her as she holds the door slightly closed. I shift my bag behind my shoulder.

"Now is not a good time" she returns back to me, sounding nervous.

I try and look behind her but she closes the door further "oh, okay. Sorry, I just thought—" I say stepping back and away from the door.

"That Rosie?" I hear a mans voice from behind Denise and freeze in place, it's been awhile, but i'll always be haunted by it. However, before I could turn to walk away, Clint is standing behind Denise's smaller frame, his dark eyes connect with mine and a smile crosses his face "well I'll be, if it isn't Shay! How's it going darlin'?" He asks with a grin that makes me sick.


Oh no! Clint and Shannon meet again! What do you think is going to happen?! And how do you feel about Spencer/Shannon? Comment with your answers <3

Q: Thoughts of Father Gabriel?

A: Could care less for him honestly. Just more mouths to feed :O but as season 7 started he seems to be offering a bit more. We'll see.

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