Chapter 33: A Simpler Time

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I go downstairs and see Spencer sitting on the couch where his mother once interviewed me writing in a type of book "what you got there?" I ask him, sitting next to him and crossing my feet underneath me.

"Mad libs" he cocks a stupid smile in my direction "give me a plural noun" he says without looking back up.

"Uhm" I try to think of something ridiculous "teacups" I spit out, unsure why that's what I picked.

Although his head doesn't lift up his eyes quickly look to mine with a chuckle "and a school?" he asks, waiting for a response.

My mind goes blank, I haven't thought of schools or anything of that sort for years and I quickly think of anyone I can "LSU" I almost scream, excited I was able to think of one. He focus' his attention back on the paper to fill in the words and I sit in silence waiting to hear the ridiculous results.

"Alright, are you ready?" He asks in a serious voice. I nod to assure him I am "you sure?" he asks holding the paper close to his chest as if it's a big secret.

"YES!" I demand now.

"Alright. Here is a report, by a student council committee." he coughs 2 times as if giving a speech.

"Fellow students of LSU! We the members of the Students for a greasy Society are meeting here to decide what action to take about the Dean of fingers. He has just fired our friend, Professor Rick, because he wore his elbow long, and because he dressed in a shirt and wore hooves. Next week, we are going to protest by taking over the park buildings and kidnapping the Assistant light bulb. We also will demand that all students have the right to wear lumpy hair and lucky beards. Remember our slogan: "Down with teacups."

By the end of the story I am laughing hysterically with tears in my eyes. Spencer even had a hard time reading towards the end because of how much he was laughing. Our laughs carry through the house and eventually they start to subside "that was hilarious" I say in between a breath, my cheeks hurting from smiling.

He nods trying to catch his own "I forgot how fun these things could be" he looks to me and I nod back agreeing. Suddenly his head is leaning down towards mine and our lips meet. I begin to kiss him back, soft and gentle as his hand goes to my cheek. I realize how smooth his lips are compared to Daryl's and then push myself away.

"I'm sorry" I say after pulling away, feeling bad for leading him on.

"For what?" He asks with concern in his eyes. Our faces are still inches a part and I can smell the strawberries on his breath.

I stay still, thinking of what to say "I just.. I'm so confused" I explain. It's not totally untrue. I am confused, confused on how things are between Daryl & I. Although I'm trying to push past his control over me, I still have feelings for him and what if he has feelings for me?

"It's alright, I'll wait" he smiles with a glistening in his eye.

"I'm sorry I missed dinner" I decide since I'm apologizing I could actually apologize for what I came downstairs for "I just over slept, I didn't realize how tired I was" I tell him the truth.

He shrugs it away with a wave of his hand "it's fine, there's left overs still out if you want some" he returns.

"Thanks" I say back. We sit in the silence and I still feel bad for missing dinner so I come up with something to try and make up for it "hey, want to go for a walk around the town with me?" I ask. I know it's nothing special, but a nice walk in public, maintaining my sanity around Clint might show Spencer that I'm not crazy.

"You sure that's a good idea?" He asks with raised eyebrows.

"I already ran into him once and I'm still standing." I repeat "besides, I have you to protect me" I nudge him in the side.

"Sure do" he smiles back before standing up "let's go" he reaches out his hand for me to take and I do. We walk out of the house hand in hand and he releases my hand once we are at the bottom of the steps. Oddly enough I didn't feel strange about us holding hands and wish he held it for a little bit longer. We walk forward slowly in sync and I look up to the night sky, enjoying what stars I can see. "You know, I don't know much about you from before the break out." he says, also looking up at the night sky.

"well, it wasn't a glorious life. I had crappy parents. One who beat me and the other who allowed it to happen and I got out just in time for the world to go to shit" I sum it up quickly.

"Oh, I'm sorry" he is looking at me now "so it's not much better now then it was then, huh?" he asks.

"Actually, things are better here then they've ever been before, if you could believe that" I reply, truly believing that.

"Even with Clint around?" He asks lowly.

When I go to open my mouth and respond something from a far stops me. I close my mouth shut and make a point to try and listen closer. I hear someone shouting something from a distance but can't make out where it's coming from "you here that?" I ask Spencer in a whisper.

He nods back, looking around to find the source. As seconds tick by, the words become more clear "OPEN THE GATE! OPEN THE GATE! OPEN THE GATE, NOW!!" a man's voice is yelling. Before the third sentence is said we are dashing through the town to the gate to see what the commotion is about.

"it sounds like Rick!" I shout over my shoulder to Spencer as I am a bit farther ahead as we run forward.

We reach the gate and he's still shouting "OPEN IT! OPEN IT NOW!" Spencer, Maggie and I quickly open the 2 doors to the outside and Rick basically pushes past us to get inside. As soon as his feet cross over he's shouting something different "CLOSE IT, CLOSE IT!" but we already are after seeing what was coming behind him. As soon as the gate is locked, bodies start to ram into the wall trying to get through. The 4 of us stare at the wall, too afraid to move. Rick's heavy breathing is the only thing we can hear along side the mumbling and grumbling of the dead.

Everyone begins to pile into the streets and over to where we are standing. As the crowd gets bigger inside and outside the walls, Rick knows he has to say something. Deanna steps through the crowd with the same tired eyes from earlier and waits for him to address everyone. "You can hear it. Some of you saw it" He pauses, letting everyone hear the dead pound on the wall. His voice is loud enough to carry through the square, but not so loud that he's yelling. "They got back here, half of them. Still enough to surround us 20 deep." At this point, people start to panic, and mumble to themselves and those around them. "Look, I know you're scared. You haven't seen anything like this. You haven't been through anything like this. But we're safe for now. The panel the truck hit seems intact. We reinforced it just in case. Either way, the wall's gonna hold together. Can you?" He asks, staring directly into the eyes of Deanna before slowly moving to look at everyone else's whose closest to him. He looks at me last, and as if reading my mind goes on "The others, they're gonna be back. They're gonna be back. Daryl, Abraham, Sasha, they have vehicles. They're gonna lead 'em away, just like the others." He says explaining to me and Rosita mostly, knowing we're concerned, I can tell he believes what he is saying by the determination in his eyes and find some comfort in it. "And Glenn and Nicholas are gonna walk back through the front gate after. They know what they're doing, and we know what we need to do." He looks at Maggie with force, assuring her of Glenn's safety. "We keep noise to a minimum." he says now to the town "Pull our blinds at night. Even better, keep the lights out. We'll try to make this place as quiet as a graveyard, see if they move on. This place is a graveyard."


MADLIBS! What!? That game is the best!

Q: Are you excited for Negan?

A: NO! But I am excited for Jeffrey Dean Morgan <3!

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