Chapter 39: Terror in the Night

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Glenn and I dart to the gate, and as he opens it I see Daryl behind the wheel of a massive truck. My heart pounds even faster in my chest and his eyes grow wide when he see's me. Sasha and Abraham help Maggie and Enid off the top of the truck as Glenn and I run over to the passenger side. I slide in first, wanting to throw myself around Daryl telling him how I feel. I know now's not the time though and instead grab his arm, squeezing it tightly. Trying to tell him everything through my eyes and touch. He stares back at me deeply, not saying anything though and Glenn closes the door "what the hell happened?" He asks looking from me to Glenn. Daryl's right hand moving from the steering wheel to my leg for only just a second with a light squeeze.

"I don't know, I just got back" Glenn responds out of breath back to him.

"The tower came crashing down and took out part of the wall" I explain quickly try by to catch them up.

Glenn doesn't care to respond to that and already speaks with a plan "Listen we can-- we can lead some of them away, but they're scattered." I turn looking at him, nodding in agreement.

"Naw, we get 'em all together." Daryl declines. "Won't have to lead 'em away" he adds before banging on the roof of the truck bed. Maggie, Enid and Sasha quickly climb into the truck with us and he goes further into the town. He reverses the truck towards the lake and everyone else piles out, killing more of the dead. Daryl runs to the back of the truck, removing a pipe line from it and letting the gasoline pour out.

"Daryl.. I" I try to tell him but one comes from the side and pushes me forward, I slip and fall halfway into the lake.

Daryl growls "not now Shannon, go!" he kills the one that pushed me and returns to the pipe. I stare at him baffled "GO!" He demands again. I nod and move away from the truck, joining in next to Sasha. Soon after they pile back into the truck and Daryl climbs on top. I refuse to get in, and stay on the ground, killing more as they approach. "All right, that's it!" I hear him yell out. Abraham stops the truck and my eyes lift to Daryl's as he lifts the rocket launcher over his shoulder and shoots it into the lake. I watch as they all turn to the light, my face burning from the heat and walk off towards the distraction. As they turn their backs, the people of Alexandria continue to attack them, taking back their home.

I raise my arm to attack but am pulled from behind. I know instantly that it's not an infected as the hand wraps tightly around my waist and another covering my mouth. I try my best to fight against the grip but whoever it is, is stronger than I am and yanks me backwards. I try and look to find Daryl, but he is no longer on top of the truck and I hope he's making his way towards me to help. The seconds feel like minutes as I'm being dragged away from the fights, occasionally able to get a glimpse of what's happening as I struggle to free myself from capture. The entire time it's happening, I know who it is and I try to use all the rage inside of me to break free. I'm able to get a few kicks and scratches in, but he gets pissed off and mutters "damn" before slamming my head into something.

I feel my legs being dragged across dirt and try to open my eyes. They flutter open a little and I see the night sky above me. I fight keeping them open, to see what's going on but they fall heavy. I can feel my arms being pulled a head of my body and conclude I'm being dragged. The pain rushes to my head and I remember being taken back in Alexandria. As the adrenaline pushes through my body, my eyes open again and I tilt my head slightly back to see whose dragging me. I'm not surprised when the build of Clint comes to view. His back is turned away from me as he drags me through the woods. I try and push myself on to my feet but am too weak and stumble into the ground further. This must have gotten his attention as he stops moving and turns to me, dropping my arms from his grip. His evil face grows a similarly dark grin and says "I've been waiting for you."


Sorry this last chapter is so short, but it's the end of this book! Please like or comment
if you enjoyed it and go check out the SEQUEL -Daryl Dixon: A Beautiful Disaster-

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