[1] I'm Body Guarding the President's Jerk Son...Who Is HOT...FML!

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[1] I'm Body Guarding the President's Jerk Son...Who Is HOT...FML!

I lounged against the rough polyester seat, while I waited for the announcement to come. My eyes were on my twiddling thumbs as I sighed in boredom for the hundredth time, but my ears remained vigilant. You know, just in case crazy ninja people decide to attack.

I know what you're thinking. Like, why is this girl so crazy she thinks crazy ninja people will attack her? Is she some paranoid freak? Well, yes, actually I am. It's part of my job description. My dad is the head of COBRA (Corporation of Body-guarding, Research, and Assassination). Lovely, right?

You could not be more wrong. Since I'm his daughter, I have to set a precedent and be a shining star and yadda, yadda, yadda, you get the picture. Basically, I have to work twice as hard as everyone else and it's not even that rewarding because everyone expects it already.


I swung my head around to find the source of this voice and a slow smile spread across my face. "Rick!"

With his purposefully messed up brown hair, sparkling emerald eyes, high cheekbones, square jaw, and smooth tan, Rick could have had anyone. But he chose to stand by boring old grouchy me. I really don't know why this is the case, but perhaps he saw something in me that even I couldn't see.

His voice was the only one that didn't startle me. It never alarmed in the slightest, never caused me to tense up. It was like a relaxing soporific-perfectly familiar and at once comfortable.

But perhaps I should have tensed up.

The next moment, a crazy ninja popped out of the vent in the ceiling and crashed into my one and only friend in this world. See, crazy ninja people do attack me or my loved ones?

I was out of my seat before the whole thing was over-the flash of black cloth from the ceiling having caught my attention. But Rick was too far away for me to reach him in time.

The crash had effectively knocked him out cold. And before I could reach out to pry the assailant off my friend, two other ninjas popped out into the narrow hallway. One came through my dad's office and another stepped through the janitor's closet. To have gotten into my dad's office from the outside would have taken insider help. Oh God! My dad was in there! If the attacker had come out through his door...could Dad be...?

I didn't pause to linger around these sentimental worries. I had bigger and more immediate fish to fry. I would have to be careful with these three attackers. After all, they had rendered useless both my boss (Dad) and my partner (Rick), which are both pretty big feats in themselves. But then again, they had the element of surprise. Perhaps it was time to turn their own tactics against them.

I struck out at the closest assailant and he quickly dodged. These people were fast, so I'd just have to be faster. I engaged in a flurry of fists, jabs to pressure points, and well-aimed tightly-controlled kicks. I managed to land a few good shots on each of them, ignoring the crumpled form of my friend lying behind the attackers, against the wall. Unfortunately, I also got hit in return. There was one who was faster than the others that managed to knee me in the gut and slug me in the eye at the same time. Wait a minute...that move was familiar. Either way, I would have some pretty serious bruises when I got out of this whole ordeal...if I got out of it.

The frenzied fighting went on for a few more minutes, before the tallest one suddenly spoke. I thought ninjas were supposed to be silent?

"Cease fighting immediately, we have your associate."

WTF? I chanced a glance towards him and saw a scene that made my blood run cold.

Rick, still unconscious, was being held in the arms of the tallest attacker with a gun to his head. This was the nightmare of every bodyguard. First lesson: Never let them hurt your Principal, whoever they may be. The Principal's life is worth more than your own or anyone else's.

I'm Body Guarding the President's Jerk Son...Who is HOT! FMLWhere stories live. Discover now