[5 1/2] I'm Body Guarding the President's Jerk Son...Who is HOT...FML!

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This installment gets pretty hot, so bring ice cubes and prepare for some shocking new developments!!!!! <3 comment plz

Our entire group stood awkwardly by the doorway of our first class. I squirmed uncomfortably under the scrutiny of two dozen kids. A teacher with red hair that had obviously been artificially colored rushed up to greet us. She was entirely unfazed by the guards and only had eyes for Jayden.

"Oh, Mr. Jayden Taylor, it's so good to have you!" She turned to the entire class. "Please welcome the much esteemed President's son. It is our pleasure." She said to him in a side stage whisper, "I totally support your father's policies!"

I was grateful to ignored by the gushing woman. Bodyguards naturally avoided attention-what good was a guard that everyone noticed?-but I seemed to have developed an intense dislike for it.

Jayden smiled at her and then smiled at the entire class. I had to admit that his smile was dazzling. It put you at ease entirely and seemed only for you though it could be directed at the masses. It was enticing-promising intrigue and intimacy though you hadn't the slightest clue what or who he was. His father had a similar smile, though perhaps more serious and less lazy on the lips. It was no wonder he had captured an entire nation. Certainly, Jayden had captured the entire class-including the teacher.

"It's lovely to be had, Miss...?"

"Mrs. Owen." She seemed flattered to be considered young enough to be called a miss.

"Of course." He smiled at her some more.

I gave Jayden a small shove and made eye contact with Trey. He nodded slightly to show that he understood.

"Excuse me, Mrs. Owen," Trey interrupted in a very formal and indifferent voice, "but we should be seated now."

"Oh yes." the flustered woman seemed a little overwhelmed when she realized that Jayden came with strings attached.

Trey ushered Jayden and me to a row of seats in the back of the room. The two other agents stayed by the door and acted as sentries. Their faces were blank and impassive and their eyes, shielded by shades, were no doubt swiveling in their sockets to search for any sign of danger.

I sat down to the left of Jayden while Trey sat to his right. Jayden had removed his arm from around my waist, but now he prodded my hand expectantly. I flipped it over with a small sigh and allowed my hand to be wrapped in his. His hands were dry and warmer than smoldering embers. His grip was lax, which was good because it didn't hamper by mobility should some crazy ninja attackers decide to drop in. That was pretty unlikely though. They'd have a tough job getting past the statue-like guards posted at the door.

I scanned the room vigilantly while the teacher began the long process of roll call that was customary at the start of each class. My quiet surveillance was interrupted by the blond girl sitting in front of us turning to Jayden. I immediately focused on her as a possible-not probable, but possible-threat.

She smiled widely at Jayden and I was reminded of a piranha.

The girl pushed some stray locks of her hay-colored hair out of her face and I remotely recognized that she was pretty in a way. Her large eyes batted themselves at my Principal and she spoke. Her bubbly voice grated on my ears, but I kept my focus on her.

"So, you're the President's son."

Wow. Did she think everyone missed the whole overrated introduction at the start of class or was it commonplace for her to state obvious facts? I immediately developed a dislike for the girl, though it was not very well founded.

I'm Body Guarding the President's Jerk Son...Who is HOT! FMLWhere stories live. Discover now