[7] I'm bodyguarding the President's Jerk Son...who is HOT!...FML!

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[7] I'm Body Guarding the President's Jerk Son...Who Is HOT...FML!

I watched Jayden seat himself at the lunch table, while the Men in Black watched all the passing students coldly. I motioned for Trey and them to move a little farther back. They could be far guard while I was close guard.

I sat down on the lunch bench close by Jayden, but not too close to cause him discomfort. He glanced at me before whipping his head around at the sound of his name. I turned around as well and saw Stephanie sprinting over in her heels. I was a little amazed that she could move so quickly in stilts over three inches high.

She slipped onto the bench on the other side of Jayden, having no qualms about being close to him and ignoring me completely. I surveyed the rest of the boisterous cafeteria blankly, while occasionally glancing at her.

Stephanie gave Jayden a quick squeeze and let her arm linger on his. I eyed her arm-it would take her less than half a second to move her arm around his throat and choke him. But choking was slow and I could easily dispatch her before then. Her thin arms showed little strength. It would take her two seconds to reach into her Gucci bag and pull out a weapon. But the motion would draw my eye. Either way, if she made a threatening move, I was positive I would be able to stop her, so I ignored her and continued to scan the potential threats in the vicinity.

"Jayden sweetie, did you miss me from first period?"

She was too close for me to not eavesdrop.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Jayden smile brilliantly at her. "Of course. The last two hours were such a bore without you."

"Really?" She sounded excited, but then her voice turned coy. "But what about her?" I saw her try to discreetly point at me. What did she think I was-deaf and blind?

Jayden smiled. He asked carelessly, "What about her?"

Stephanie seemed delighted at this new development. "So you two aren't like...going out or anything?"

I stiffened. After my little discretion with Trey, would he deny our faux relationship? I couldn't resist looking at the two of them now. Jayden didn't look at me, but I saw his lips curve into a knowing smile. The bastard! He knew he had my job in his hands and he was purposefully toying with me, drawing out the answer.

"Well, technically yes."

I saw Stephanie's brow scrunch up in confusion. "Technically?"

"It's an on-off thing." He shrugged casually. "But I'm afraid, Stephanie darling, that you're out of luck. My father approves of her entirely."

Her eyes flickered to me and she realized that I was watching them. She frowned subconsciously at me-her eyes hard and her lips tight.

Jayden turned to me to see my reaction. I kept my expression neutral as I stared into his blue eyes. I felt remarkably like a caged animal, but I certainly wasn't going to let him know that. I could not protest his words, only verify them. And he knew that. Technically, he wasn't violating the rules Trey had set down. Trey had been too broad in his requirements.

Jayden had single-handedly turned us into a couple by compulsion and not by choice. In one sense, it bound us together tighter, but the relationship had become more impersonal. It was a partnership, instead of love. That was the truth, but it wasn't the truth the public should be shown.

"The President?" Stephanie's tone of voice suggested that she couldn't see even the smallest appeal in me.

Jayden laughed, a mocking quality in it that she couldn't hear. But I was accustomed to it because he had so often mocked me when we were young, and he still indulged in this hideous hobby of his even now when we were considerably older. "Who else would my father be?"

I'm Body Guarding the President's Jerk Son...Who is HOT! FMLWhere stories live. Discover now