[9] I'm Body Guarding the President's Jerk Son...Who Is HOT...FML!

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[9] I'm Body Guarding the President's Jerk Son...Who Is HOT...FML!

New upload...finally! Sorry guys, I've had so much homework, but I'm back! I tried to make this one longer. It's about Trey and Carly, but there's a little teaser at the end. This one's good, but next one's going to be pretty tense! Read comment vote love! <3 I love all you fans sooo much!

I whacked the punching bag harder, causing it to quake violently and flee from me. It came back, however, like some stupid masochist and let me hit it again and again. Sweat flew off my skin every time I threw a tight punch and I reveled in the soreness of physical assertion.

Today had been the worst first day ever. I had somehow managed to get stuck in a room with Trey, who had randomly decided to kiss me. I had then stupidly gotten stuck in the same room not moments later and almost gotten kissed by Jayden, who was my Principal. The "almost" part of that latter event irritated me in ways I couldn't explain. I had been so unprofessional in so many ways that I couldn't even begin to puzzle out whether that irritation had been caused by the fact that I had let him even corner me in the first place, or perhaps...

No, I couldn't go there. I definitely hadn't expected, and certainly not hoped, that his lips would have completed the arc they had started and met with mine. Most certainly not. Though I caught myself wondering what I would have done if he had. And that thought involved a rather graphic mental movie. Jesus! Carly, get a grip!

But still...it had left room for what-if's. What if he had? Would I have liked it? Would his lips have felt as soft as they had looked? Would his long lashes have fluttered in quick sweeps over the skin of my face? Would he have held me? And what if he had kissed me while I was leaning on the desk? Would he have placed his hands on either side of my head to support himself? Would his raven hair have fallen over me?

To get rid of the incessant questions and very inappropriate graphic reenactments, I hit the punching bag harder. My quick jabs were so fast that my fists were starting to blur. They came one after another so fast that the poor bag no longer had time to escape my fists for a short reprieve. It just hung there limply and took the violent beating.

"Wow, somebody's pretty pissed off."

I whirled around, my fists clenched and ready. Rivulets of sweat running down my face blurred my vision and I had trouble seeing who the whisperer was in the dimly lit room. I threw a quick uppercut, using my other arm as a shield, and prepared to bring my knee up as the second move. My arm was stopped before I had time to execute the rest of the moves. I blinked rapidly and saw that it was Trey holding my clenched fist.

I tried to draw my arm back, my face looking faintly embarrassed, but he held on too tightly. I formed my other hand into a knife and delivered a strike at his wrist. He pulled back at the last second, dragging my right arm with him. He had a small smile on his lips. Ah, so this was a challenge! Well, if he wanted to play, I was in the mood for fighting.

I kicked my leg out quickly, but he easily parried it with his own leg. I brought my other leg up to jab him with my knee, but he blocked it with his free hand. These two steps were meant to be blocked, for now I was closer to him and fully prepared to deliver a real strike. I threw my leg out as a feint to kick his shin. He took the bait and immediately responded by taking a step closer to me and getting into striking range. I slammed my elbow down on his wrist with unbelievable force. He immediately let go, wincing slightly.

I brought my leg up in a lightning strike to his chest. He caught my leg by the ankle and pulled hard. I was immediately brought down to the ground. I landed with my palms flat, my free leg whipping him in the abdomen. I heard a grunt from him and smiled. Score for me. My free leg continued in its fall before he could catch it and swept behind his knees. He collapsed onto the floor. I dove in for the kill, but he was no longer on the ground. I turned around, surprised by his fast reaction, and was met with a fist against my jaw. The force threw the top half of my body back so I completed the motion by doing a back-flip away from the assailant. He was no longer Trey or my partner. He was the enemy.

I'm Body Guarding the President's Jerk Son...Who is HOT! FMLWhere stories live. Discover now