[12] I'm Body Guarding the President's Jerk Son...Who Is HOT...FML!

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Hey guys! I'm sooo sorry. I know I promised I'd be writing more, but everything has gone wrong in the last few weeks. I got terribly sick for three weeks, then I was starting to get better, but my computer got a virus that shut me out of the internet. Then when my dad fixed it, my brother got pneumonia and is currently in the ER. :(((

Well, anyways, read on and enjoy! I made it slightly longer this time. Vote and comment (i <3 ur comments) plz !!!!! :)

[12] I'm Body Guarding the President's Jerk Son...Who Is HOT...FML!

(Carly's P.O.V.)

I opened my eyes to the glaring sunshine seeping through the thin gossamer curtains. I rubbed my temples roughly, trying vainly to get rid of the killer headache that I had. I froze when I remembered last night, and was tempted to flop back onto the bed and bury myself under the bland covers. Instead, I steeled myself and flipped the covers off, getting out of my shelter.

I nearly fell over from dizziness. Last night, it had been a terrible ordeal trying to go to sleep. Every time I had shut my eyes, I would imagine the heat brushing across my skin, the soft desire on my lips, and his devastatingly beautiful blue eyes. I had finally managed to fall into a restless slumber somewhere between three and four in the morning. And though it was only five and I had plenty of time to get in another hour and a half, I couldn't force myself back asleep.

I rubbed my eyes wearily and decided against running this morning. I would probably keel over from sleep-deprivation. I tottered into the bathroom and locked the doors on both sides, resisting the urge to check-up on Jayden. I took a cold shower, letting the freezing water refresh me.

After a few minutes, I couldn't stand the water any longer and jumped out of the shower with chattering teeth. I quickly toweled myself dry and hurried back into my room to change, hoping for some warmth from my clothes. I donned a crisp white button-down shirt and a forest green plaid miniskirt. I slipped on my sneakers from yesterday. What was with Tina and miniskirts? I was still cold, but there was nothing I could do about it. I made a mental note to ask for jeans next time Tina delivered clothes.

I rubbed my hair dry and expended great effort trying to untangle all the unruly knots in it. I gave up after a while and pulled my damp hair up into a messy bun. I didn't bother to check my appearance in the mirror before rushing out of my room.

Once out the door, I nearly crashed into Trey. If it weren't for his fast reflexes, we both would have fallen to the ground in a heap.

"Oh good, you're already awake. I was on my way to see you." Trey smiled.

"What for?" It seemed too much of an effort on my tired body to smile back.

"To discuss the details of tomorrow's outing."

I fixed him a quizzical look and he seemed surprised that I did not understand.

"The party, remember?"

I slapped myself mentally. "Oh, right. Sorry, I don't function well in the morning," I lied.

He raised an eyebrow, unconvinced by my lame excuse.

"I didn't sleep well last night."

He glanced at the door to Jayden's room and an unconscious frown formed between his brows. Was he really that perceptive? I was apprehensive to learn what he was thinking, but thankfully, he didn't comment.

"Do you want to go back into your room to discuss the arrangements?" He asked politely.

I nodded wearily, and gestured for him to go ahead and make himself comfortable.

I'm Body Guarding the President's Jerk Son...Who is HOT! FMLWhere stories live. Discover now