Up In The Air

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I hated flying. I hated the fact that every time I turned on the news I saw something about them crashing, I hated the long lines in the airport and I hated having to sit next to a stranger and have awkward small talk or possibly just an awkward silence the whole time.

My only saving grace on this flight, was the fact that Maura was the one sitting next to me. That didn't actually make me feel all that better since I was hiding something from her, and I am a horrible liar, so I'm hoping she's oblivious and not paying much attention to me.

I was so nervous I felt like my insides were twisting around. Thankfully it was only an hour or so flight to London. We were going straight to the game and meeting Niall after, and the thought of seeing him was making me sick.

I was hoping he wasn't still mad. I was hoping that maybe he would tell me why he was upset in the first place, something had just felt off.

After my third trip to the bathroom, Maura had definitely gotten suspicious and asked me if I was okay.

"Yeah, flying gets to me, I'll be fine once we land."

"Okay, do you need something for your stomach?"

"No thanks, I'm sure once we land I'll be fine."

In all honesty it would probably be worse. To actually be where he's at and have to face him was scaring the crap out of me.

"It's all going to be okay. You and Niall have a bond some people only dream of. I knew you two would end up together from the moment your grandmother brought you over.

You two didn't waste any time, just ran straight to the back yard and started playing like you'd known each other for ages.

I know you two aren't in an actual relationship, but you can't ignore the connection you two have. Everybody who is around you can see the love you have.

I have a feeling I know what's going on with you, and I want you to know I am here for whatever you need."

She gave my hand a squeeze and settled into her seat letting me process what she had just said.

I was trying my hardest not to cry. Why was it obvious to everyone that Niall and I loved each other but he didn't actually love me the way I wanted him to?

I never understood soccer, I just didn't get it. So while sitting in the private box watching the game, I had no clue what was going on and I honestly don't think Maura did either.

Niall loved it though and watching him on the sidelines going crazy made my heart beat even harder than normal.

That smile was one of my favorite things to see. He was such a happy person and it was hard to do anything but smile around him.

I watched him jump around and laugh every time his team scored, and I was so caught up I didn't realize how much time had passed. Before I knew it Mark was coming to get Maura and I to go meet Niall.

Niall's POV*

The week had felt like it had dragged on. It wasn't too bad though. Besides the text from my mam saying Han was sick and she was taking care of her I had worked extra hard to keep my mind occupied.

It was fine when we were practicing for the game or when I was hanging out having a pint with Lou or Olly, but then I would see something on TV or hear a song and immediately think about her. So many times I reached for my phone to tell her about a movie trailer I saw that I wanted to see or that I knew she would love.

But then I remembered it's been just over a month and she still hasn't tried to call me.

The morning of the game I got up and ready to head over to the field. I sent my mam a text to make sure her flight was taken care of and told her Basil was going to pick her up from the airport and bring her straight to the game. I made sure she had private seating so she wasn't disturbed by any fans, not that she didn't love them, but it was nice to be able to just hang out without interruption.

I was watching everyone warm up when I saw Lou jogging over.

"I saw your mum earlier, someone was with her. I didn't get a good look."

"Maybe Denise brought Theo, they were talking about coming."

"No mate, definitely not Denise, plus they didn't have a kid with them."

Who the hell was with my mam?

"Maybe it's a fan following her, I'll send Mark up to keep an eye on her."

My team was doing great and I couldn't be more happier. I couldn't wipe the stupid grin off my face as I cheered every time my team scored a goal.

It was all for a good cause and it honestly didn't matter who won but I couldn't help but get a little competitive.

I looked up to see inside the family area trying to get a glimpse of my mam, but I couldn't really see. Mark had come back down saying my mam was fine and she sent him away to enjoy the game up close.

With the game wrapping up and my team in the lead I sent him back up to go get my mam to meet me inside the stadium.

The last few minutes of the game were drawing near and Tommo had the ball. He was definitely going to score but luckily our team had a good enough lead that it didn't matter, but it was still nice to see my mate doing good, especially because he loved the game.

After celebrating our win and heading back into the locker room , Basil came to get me so I could go see mam. We talked about the game highlights, but as soon as we got into the room I stopped dead in my tracks.

Hannah was standing there next to my mam arms wrapped around herself. I knew she was uncomfortable, she was shy and had a hard time opening up to people, so being around a crowd she didn't know was probably terrifying her.

I liked to think that I got to see parts that she didn't show anybody, but she was good at playing the out going girl. She called it her cheer mode, she said it only came out on game days.

I walked over and gave my mam a hug and kiss while she told me how great the game was. Hannah smiled up at me, but it wasn't her usual big goofy smile, it was small, almost like she was scared.

I stepped away from my mom over to Hannah and opened up my arms. She rushed into them and I didn't really want to let go, but she backed away wiping at her face.

"We need to talk... alone preferably."

"Okay, once we get back to my place we can."

I lead the both out to the car, getting out of the car park before anybody had a chance to spot us.

We made our way home and my mam took her stuff to her room and I showed Hannah to the other guest room.

I took a seat on the bed as she stood in front of me silently, almost like she was scared.

"I really don't want you to hate me." I barely heard her she was so quiet.

"Trust me, I tried it didn't work." I was only half joking but the look on her face wiped the smirk right off mine.

She sniffled and wiped away tears from her eyes.

"Banana, I'm kidding, what's wrong?"

"I'm pregnant."

I looked at her seeing if she showed any signs of this being a joke, then everything started getting fuzzy and as she said my name it sounded like she was a million miles away before everything went black.

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